16. Dinner (part 1)

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I sighed as I pulled on my skirt. We were going out for dinner to celebrate the start of tour. The place we were going to was obviously fancy so we had to dress up.

I groaned as the skirt was shorter than I thought.

"Great." I muttered, looking through my one of my suitcase for leggings.

Pulling out a dark grey pair, I slipped them on easily and went to pick out a shirt.

I finally settled on a plain white tank top and a black flow-y shirt to go over it since it was kinda see through.

I slipped on socks and my converse, not even caring that they weren't 'fancy' or that shit.

I ran a brush through my hair and straightened it.


Calum's voice sang through out the bus.

I was currently in the lounge room dressing because the boys were hogging the bathroom and it's also way to small.

"I'll be out soon!" I said, putting my mini mirror back in my suitcase.

I grabbed my phone and my drawstring backpack and walked out.

"Rea-" Calum's voice stopped.


"Journey... Holy shit."

"Oh my god."

"Um... What? Do I look bad?" I asked, twisting and turning to see what was wrong with me.

"Oh, no! You look gorgeous." Ashton snapped out of his trance and walked up to me, holding out his arm.

"Shall we go?" He asked in a. Posh accent.

I couldn't help but laugh as I hooked arms with him.

"We shall."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Michael. He couldn't look more perfect even if he tried. He was wearing black skinny jeans, of course, and a light blue button up. His hair was in its usual spike. He was wearing converse also. He looked amazing.

I could t help but notice he looked... Sad?

Ashton started walking but something inside me stopped.

"Hey Michael?" I called.

His head snapped up to look at me. "Yeah?"

I lifted my arm, "Care to join us?" I grinned at him.

He seemed hesitant but smiled and hooked arms with mine. I now had Ashton on one side and Michael on the other.

"Heyyy! What about me?" Luke whined.

"Go to your lover boy!" I laughed, motioning to Calum. Both their cheeks turned bright red, but they still laughed and hooked arms.

"Let's go!"


When we arrive at the Restraunt, I'm surprised at how fancy it is. Even though I knew we were going to a fancy place.

"Woah." I said in awe, looking at the beat mahogany tables and the bright glass chandeliers.

"It's beautiful, isn't it." Michael leans down and whispered in my ear. It wasn't until then that I noticed Ashton and let go and walked to the table with the others, leaving me and Michael behind.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Gorgeous." I replied.

We joined the others with me scooting in next to Calum and Luke. Ashton and Gale and Michael on the other side.

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