10. I hate horror movies.

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'I told you to be patient and told you to be fine, I told you to be balanced and I told you to be kind.' I sang as I washed conditioner through my now red hair. I was getting used to singing in front of the boys. Just.. I don't know if I'll get used to singing in front of a crowd. That's even IF I do get a career in singing. Anyways.

Once we got back to the hotel they started dying my hair.

Well, mainly Michael because he's done it so much.

Now here I was, standing in their now probably stained shower, washing the dye out.

Once I finished, I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. Thank go for the miniature hair dryers they put in the bathrooms.

(Sorry if they don't do that where you live. They do that in America.)

I dried my hair as best as I could, and dresses before walking out.

The boys were sitting in front of the TV playing Left for Dead 2.

"Gah! Holy shit! That Smoker came out if no where!" Ashton yelled.

"It was right behind you! Did you not hear me yelling at you?!" Michael shouted as he shot at random zombies.

"No! I-"

I cleared my throat and ran a hand through my hair. My hands were also dyed red, temporarily.

They all turned around and their jaws dropped.

"You should've dyed your hair red a long time ago, J. It suits you." Calum said.

"Yeah." The other three agreed.

I laughed and shook my head, plopping on the couch.

"So. We should do something." I suggested as the boys turned off the game, bored with it.

"Let's rent a film! A scary one!" Michael shot up from his seat.





That last one was my response.

I hate scary movies.

"Aw, come on, Journey! It's not like whatever's in the movie is real." Calum teased. He knew I hates scary movies.

Suddenly Calum pulled me up and into the bathroom.

"What the-"

"Journey. Don't you get it?" Calum cut me off.

"Get what?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Scary movie equals cuddling with Michael. I'll make sure you sit by him." Calum said.

I really hated scary movies but cuddling with Michael?

"Yeah. Okay." I agreed and we walked back out.

"What was that?" Luke asked.


"I had to remind her of this horrible memory we had as a child and I swore if never tell anyone so I dragged her to the bathroom." Calum shrugged.

I blinked but played along.

"Calum! You could've at least lied!"

He grinned and plopped next to Luke.

"So. What scary film are we going to rent?" Ashton asked.

Almost instantly, Michael yelled, "Evil Dead! I've always abates to see that one."

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