13. Going back on tour.

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"So." I said, casually, as I collapsed on the mini couch. "What's the big news? why did I have to rush over here?" I asked, getting back up only to pull a soda from the fridge and plop back down.

"Well, it's kinda big news. You might want to brace yourself." Luke spoke.

"Okay." I laughed.

They all looked at each other before Calum turned to be grinning,

"We're going back on Tour."

My smile dropped. I could feel all the color drain from my face. This was the moment I had been dreading since they arrived. I could barely stand Calum being gone fore the Take Me Home Tour and I'm so close to all of them and they're leaving again? How am I going handle this?


"Oh what now?! You're never coming back?" I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face. "You're gonna forget about me? Say you'll keep in contact but never do?" I continued.

"I can't handle this! I can't handle you leaving again! Especially now that I'm so close to you guys!" I gestured to Luke, Michael, and Ashton.

"I'm not sure I can take you being gone fore that long again! I can't-"

"Journey! Journey! Calm down and let me finish!" Luke grabbed my shoulders.

I looked at him and nodded. I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay." My voice cracked.

"And... As Luke was going to say before, You're coming with us!" Ashton cheered.

I blinked. Uhhh... What? I'm.. Huh? Um. Well. Uh.

"What?" I asked, my mind racing.

"You're coming on your with us, as our opening act! Luke talked to our managers and other important people and he got you on as our opening act! You're going to come with us, Journey!" Calum said, giddily.

I.. He.. Luke.. Tour.. Opening act...

Holy shit.

I was actually going to get a chance to do what I loved so much. To finally be myself while singing. To.. To live my dream. I had always dreamed if becoming big and having actual fans, actual haters, going to big events, walking red carpets, winning awards, meeting other celebrity's, going to fancy dinner parties, and just being famous and doing what I loved. That is and always will be singing. Now I actually have the chance to so that, and it's all because of these four stupid, idiotic, crazy, attractive, lazy yet helpful boys in front of me.

It was all because my best friends.

"You're kidding. Is this real?" My grin obvious on my face.

"As real as it can get." Michael was smiling. Everything that happened last night totally forgotten and in the past.

"Thank you guys so much!" I screamed, trying to hug all of them at once but it turned out them all group hugging with me in the middle.

"This is crazy! Im finally going to live my dream and I'm going to do it with my best friends, and it's all because if my best friends! This is bizerk! Unbelievable! Am I dreaming? You guys are literally the best people on earth! I love you guys so much!" I cried. I was actually crying.

"This is the best day of my life!" I squealed.

The boys were just chucking as I freaked out.

"Journey! Just, calm for a second. There's more." Luke said.

"More?" I gasped.

He nodded. "We leave in a week, for the UK."

My eyes practically popped out of my head.

"The UK? I- I've never been.. Oh my god! This is the best thing to ever happen to me! Thank you!" I was crying again.

"Aw, she's crying tears of joy, boys." Calum teased and I smacked him.

But I was in fact crying tears of joy. This was a very joyful day.


Sorry it's so short and it's really justly filler. But some drama and feels are coming soon, I promise.

Anyways, thanks for reading, I'll update as soon as I update my other stories!

(Feel free to check them out if any of you are Carter Reynolds or After Romeo lovers c:)

(Shameless self promo right there 👆👆👆👆👏👏)

Thanks for reading! It means lots! I love you all so much c:

Remember to...





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