11. Jealousy

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"Should we wake them up?" A voice said, quietly.

Go away please.

"No! They look cute." A different voice said.

What are they talking about?

"They do. But it's already 1 in the after noon."

1 in the after noon? It couldn't be that late. It feels way to early.

"Someone take a picture before we wake them." Another voice said.

The 'click' of a camera sounded before I could register what was going on.

I blinked my eyes open and groaned.

That's when I felt a pressure on my wait and realised that it was Michaels arm.

I turned slightly to see Michael sleeping peacefully, cuddled up to me.

We were cuddling all night.

Cuddling being an understatement.

We were pressed against each other, our legs tangled together, and Michaels arm hooked around me.

But that wasn't what got me. What got me was the fact that our bodies fit together, perfectly.

I blinked again.

I turned back to the boys who were all crowded around the phone, they hadn't even realised I had woken up.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

They all jumped apart and Calum stuffed his phone in his pocket.

"What are you guys doing?" Luke countered.

"Sleeping." Michaels voice was husky and raspy and holy shit SEXY as his arm left my waist and he stretched.

Suddenly he realised what just happened and he shot up.

"Oh my god, Journey! I'm so sorry! It just happened while I slept and I-"

I laughed. "It's okay, Michael. Really. I like cuddling with people. Me and Calum sleep like that all the time." I admitted.

His face fell a little but he smiled anyways. "Okay. Well then I'm not sorry I guess." He laughed.

"If y'all are done flirting, we have plans tonight. Were going clubbing at 7 for Luke's birthday. He can finally drink all by him self." Calum smirked and Luke smacked him but smiled.

Oh yeah! Luke's 18 today!

"Happy Birthday, Lukey Poo!" I shouted and got up, hugging him.

He groaned but hugged me back, "Never call me that again. I will end you."

I laughed and pulled away.

"I need to go shopping for a new dress. Who wants to join me?" I asked.

I got a chorus of 'no' and 'I'm good''s.

"Well fine. Ill go by myself." I pouted.

"Have fun!"



"I'm gonna go back to sleep." Were my responses.

I sighed. "What if I said, the person that goes with me, I'll buy them the new Green Day-"

"ILL GO." Michael yelled. "DIBS."

"Album." I finished my sentence.

I chuckled while the other boys pouted.

"C'mon Mikey. We need to hurry."

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