12. News/Fans

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I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring 'Backseat Serenade' by All Time Low which could only mean one thing.

Michael was calling me.

"Whaaaat." I groaned into the phone. I looked over at my bedside table clock.


You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Luke says you need to come to the hotel now." Michael said.

"Why couldn't he call me then?"

"He told me to."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Why is it so important that i go to the hotel, that you had to wake me, at 8:40 in the fucking morning?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you. Bye."

"Michael wait-" he had hung up.

"Fuck fuck fuckity fuck." I swore but reluctantly got up.

I didn't really care how I looked at the moment.

I threw my hair into a messy pony tail and threw on my pyjama pants and a grey jumper.

I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet, slipped on my shoes and was out the door.

On my way there I stopped to get a coffee.

When I pulled up to the hotel, there was about 20-30+ girls sitting out front trying to get in.

I groaned and got out.

Walking up to the door, it was the same guy I had encountered the first time I had came to visit the boys.

He instantly recognised me and nodded at the guards, as if to say 'let her in.' But then stopped me real quick.

He nodded behind me and I looked to see a girl, maybe 13-14, wearing a small draw string backpack, hanging into my jumper trying to sneak in.

She looked up with shocked and pleading eyes and I sighed internally.

"She's my cousin. I'm babysitting." I told the guy and luckily he believed me. Probably because he knows that if he pisses me off, he pisses the boys off, and that pisses managers off.

Wow I sound like a bitch.

I'm really not though.

He nodded, "Okay, ma'am." Then he let us through.

Once we were in and the coast was clear, the girl turned to me.

"Thank you, Thank you so much! I've been dying to see 5 Seconds of Summer. They mean everything to me! I can't believe you got in! They weren't letting anyone in! How'd you get in?" She rambled

I put my hand in her shoulder to quiet her.

"I'm Journey. I'm C-"

"Calum's best friend! He's talked about you in interviews and stuff! Are you guys dating?" She cocked her head to the side like a cute little puppy.

I laughed. "No, sweetheart. He's my best friend and only my best friend. Now, I'm gonna let you meet the boys. But you have to stay calm, and don't tell anyone what room number they're in. What's your name?"

She nodded. "I'm Aria. I'm an Ashton girl. What kind of girl are you?" I could tell she was trying not to freak out.

I giggled. "Well, to be truthful, I'm a Michael girl." I admitted as we stepped out of the elevator.

"I bet you'd look cute together. You're very pretty." She said, then her eyes widened.

"Oh my god. Did I say that out loud? Oh my gosh I'm sorry! I do that a lot." I just laughed.

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