6. Dont.

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When I awoke, the smell of pizza filled my nose.

I blinked a couple times, as my stomach growled.

I looked around my room and my eyes landed on the door.

I had a pretty big gap under my door and the floor. So they had shoved four pieces of pizza under my door, there was a note attached.

Hey J.

It's Calum. Just incase you were wondering who wrote this. We are downstairs. We didn't want to leave you alone. We thought maybe you're hungry but your still pissed at us so you won't come out. So here's some pizza.

Monica left. Ashton told her off saying things like 'you're a white trash whore' and 'I'll never like someone like you'. It was pretty great.

Michael won't talk to any of us. He just sits on the couch, staring at his phone. He tweeted once though. It was a picture and all it said was 'Her.' I guess he's pretty messed up about this. He doesn't know I'm writing this. He thinks I'm just writing a short message.

I'm sorry, we all are. We know it's not okay. What Monica said. But you literally beat the shit out of her! You needed to stop somewhere.

(Although to me, that was pretty awesome.)

Anyways. I'll keep giving you pizza every hour or so. Since we have so damn much.

We aren't leaving until you come out and talk to one of us.

Please come out.


I sighed and looked at the Pizza. I was really hungry.

I ate the pizza and and thought about what Calum wrote.

Michael seriously won't talk to anyone? What was the tweet about? Did.. Was is for Monica? Did he still like Monica? I sighed once more. I guess he really liked Monica.

When I went to reach for the last piece, I felt nothing.

I had eaten them all.

I sighed and unlocked my door. Quietly walking down the stairs, I walked into the living room, only to see them all asleep. I picked up Calum's phone and looked at the time.

2:34 am?! Woah. I guess I slept longer than I thought.

I looked over at my sleeping best friend, then at the other boys.

My eyes scanned the room but Michael was no where to be seen.

I checked the bathroom, the 2 spare rooms, and the kitchen.

He's wasn't anywhere.

As in was about to go check the living room again, something caught my eye out on the patio.

I slowly walked over and slid Open the door.

Michael was sitting in a lounging chair, by the pool, just staring up at the stars.

It was a great view. It was the main reason I chose to live in this house. You could just sit peacefully.

"Nice view, isn't it?" I smiled, waking up to sit beside him.

"Yeah. It's beautiful." He whispered, not looking away from the sky.

I sat silently, as did he.

I stared at the stars and let my thoughts run.

What did me mean by his tweet, earlier?

Was.. Was it about Monica?

Did.. Does.. Does he love her?

I felt a pang if hurt in my chest as I thought about it.

He could love her. He probably did. Does. He probably does.

"So, what about you and Ashton?" Michael asked quietly.


I pondered about whether i should tell him or not when I finally just said fuck it.

"It was all fake." I blurted.

His had snapped in my direction and his eyebrows furrowed.


I sucked in a breathe. Here we go.

"It was a fake. We knew that Monica like Ashton and we were just trying to bring it out of her because you des-"

He held his hand up.

"Woah. Wait. You and Ashton staged this whole fake dating thing, just so you could break me and Mon up?" He seethed.

"No! It's not like that! We didn't want you getting hurt because-" I was cut off once again.

"I don't want to hear it! You're.. You're horrible! You took away the possibly best thing I've ever had! You took it away from me! For what?! For your own satisfaction of knowing the truth? I would have been fine! We would have been fine, me and Monica, if you and Ashton hadn't interfered!" He stood up.

"Michael! No you wouldn't have! She. Liked. Ashton. She was going to hurt you and I couldn't have that!" I told him.

"Monica was the only thing I cared about, aside from the boys."

Ouch. That stung.

"Michael, I-"

"Just.. Don't. Don't talk to me. Don't try and be friends with me. Don't." He stormed back inside, leaving me standing there alone.

Tears streaming down my cheeks.

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