7. Do you?

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I stood there, not moving. Tears rushing down my cheeks.

It hurt. I admit it. It hurt like fucking hell.

My chest hurt. My heart hurt. I couldn't breathe correctly.

Michael doesn't.. I.. He..

I collapsed onto my knees and buried my face in my hands and sobbed. I sobbed. I cried.

I was sat outside at 3am crying my eyes out because the guy I had a massive crush on hated me.

I coughed and shook my head.

I needed to get myself together.

I don't see why Michael hates me... Does he hate Ashton?

Why can't he just realise that we were doing it for him! Monica was a lying cheating whore.

Well, I mean I guess we did kind of break them up.. But if we hadn't then he would have found out some other way and been hurt even more!

I just... I don't know n

When I finally stood up from the cold cement, my knees were sore and my eyes hurt.

I quietly stepped inside, I turned to shut door when someone spoke.

"Journey?" Calum's sleepy voice spoke.

I froze. "Y-yeah?" I sniffled. Shit.

"Why were outside? Why are you crying?" He said, worried.

"I, uh, I'm not. There was just something in my eye. It's a little windy out there. I'm just gonna go to bed now." I said and walked out of the kitchen.

But he followed me all the way to my room.

"Journey, I know you. We've been best friends for years. I can tell when you're lying. What's wrong?" He asked, hugging me.

"Itoldmichaelthetruthandnowhehatesme." I cried.

"You.. Uh.. Repeat that please?" He whispered.

I took in a deep breath and pushed away from Calum, turning away because I didn't want him to see me cry.

"I.. I told M-Michael the truth and n-now he hates me!" A choked sob came out of my mouth.

"You told him the truth? Like with the whole Monica thing?" He gaped.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I did. I told him it was for him! He deserves way better than Monica!"

Calum was quiet so I went on.

"We only did it to show Michael that Monica was a lying cheating whore but he still took her side on everything! Even though he caught Monica kissing Ashton! Even through all the horrible things she said to him! He still took her side and he hates me and I wish he didn't because-" I stopped before I blew my secret.

Calum stepped closer to me.

"Because what, J?" He questioned.

I just stayed quiet and found a new interest on the stain in the carpet.

"Journey?" Calum said.

"Journey... Journey, do you like Michael?" Calum asked.

I scoffed. "Of course, I like him. He's a good friend. Or.. Well.. Was." I said.

"No, Journey. Do you like Michael? As in, Do you have a crush on Michael?" He asked again, being more specific.

I was silent again and I could practically hear my heart beating in my chest, loudly.

"Yes." I finally squeaked.

When I looked up, Calum was grinning.

"Aw! My little Journey finally has a crush! Aw this is so cute!" He cooed.

I blushed and smacked him.

"Shut up before you wake the whole neighbourhood." I smiled.

It felt nice to get that off my chest.

Suddenly exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks and I just needed sleep.

"I'm tired, Cal. Im.. Gonna sleep." I said, and climbed into my bed.

"Well I mean, yeah. It is 4am. Get some sleep, J. You need it." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Mhhmm." I closed my eyes and within seconds I was out like a light.

The events of yesterday and this morning temporarily forgotten.


So now Calum knows about Journeys crush on Michael.

Sorry it's short, this is just a little filler part thing.

The next chapter will be a lot longer and also, some news. Hmmm?

Anyways. I hope you like it!

Thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to...





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