14. Videoooo

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The boys were all sitting in my room as I set up my equipment to start a new video.

"Okay, so. I've never actually used the Camara part so this is going to be weird." I explained as hooked up the mic.

"It'll be fine, Journey." Ashton said.

"Do I look okay? I don't want took gross. Is my hair okay? Do I have make up under my eyes? I really hope not." I rambled.

"Journey! You look beautiful! Now get on with it!" Michael said.

I blushed and looked down. Michael and I had started talking and not avoiding each other. So it wasn't really awkward anymore.

"Okay! Okay!" I laughed and turned the camera on.

I took in a deep breath, made sure the boys weren't in the shot, because fans would freak out, and started.

"Hey guys! It's me, TakingJourneys. Yes, me, Journey. In the flesh. The one who sings and shit." I laughed. "I finally decided, with the help of one of my best friends, Luke, that'd I'd finally show my face. I'm sorry if it's hideous." I laughed again, nervously.

"But today I'm going to sing Give Me Love by the one and only Ex Sheeran. I hope you guys like it." I smiled into the camera as I started strumming my guitar.

"Give me love like her, cause lately I've been waking up alone." I sang.

I could here the boys quiet breaths as they listened to me sing. They sat just being silent, which was rare. I liked it though. I liked that I had this effect on them.

"Give a little time to me, to burn this out, we'll play hide and seek to turn this around." I strummed my guitars and nodded my head as the lyrics slipped easily out of my mouth in a melodic form.

"All I want is the taste that your lips allow, m-my m-my give me love."

My mind wondered to Michael and how it would feel like to kiss him.

I glanced up at the camera a few times while singing. When I finished the boys started clapping and hollering and I laughed as I reached over to shut off the camera. "Guys shush!" I chuckled.

"You're crying." Luke's face went straight from happy to worried in about 2.2 seconds.

I-I was what? I lifted my hand to my cheeks that were indeed damp from tears.

"I don't even know why." I admitted. I wasn't lying. I had no idea why I was crying. I just was.

"Well you did great, boo." Calum hugged me and I hugged back. "I love you, Cal." I murmured.

"I love you too, Journey."

We pulled apart and I looked to the other boys. When my eyes landed on Michael, he looked angry. I shrugged it off.

"Well, I'm going to edit the video and the get some sleep. It's late." I said.

They all nodded and we said our goodbyes.

When it was time to hug Michael, he lingered a little longer before pulling away. "Goodbye, Journ." He smiled.

"Journ? That's new." I giggled.

"Good. I want to be the only one to call you that." He bent down and kissed my cheek before standing straight. "See you tomorrow." He left.

I could still feel the burning sensation on the spot where his lips touched my cheek as I started editing.

Once I cut out some clips because of the boys and fixed the lighting I decided I'd finish the rest later and got ready for bed.

I was extremely tired and I couldn't stop thinking about Michaels kiss on my cheek.

I slip on some pjs and climb into bed.

Why did Michael kiss me? Or give me a new nickname? Michaels being so weird and I have no idea why.

I know that I liked it though. I liked it a lot.

I liked Michael a lot.

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