5. Bingo.

143 6 1

(Re-written bc of difficulties.)

Journey's POV

It's been 3 weeks since Calum had returned from Tour. 3 weeks since I had first seen Michael Clifford. In that 3 weeks I had developed and pretty massive crush on Michael Clifford. And an even bigger hatred for Monica.

It's been 3 weeks since me and Ashton started fake dating to get Monica to slip up. 3 weeks and we've come so close.

3 weeks and I think we've finally got it.


I sat at my normal desk, guitar in hand, searching through my playlist for a song. I couldn't help but think of Michael while I searched.

The way his hair spiked up to perfections.

They way his smile made my day so much brighter.

The way he laughed just gave me butterflies.

That's when I knew what song I was gonna sing.

I quickly out my phone down and set up the equipment and started recording.

'Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you.

Almost a million words that I could say but none of them will do.

So many years that I have lived but it feels like I've just begun.

Out if the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one.' I sang.

I strummed the guitar strings and nodded my head along to the song..

'I've been to many places, I've seen to many faces.

I wrote to many pages, never found a love like you, love like you.

I don't know how to say it,

It's been more than amazing.

My whole life I been waiting, never found a love like you, love like you.

Sleep, dream, you, repeat.

Love, die next to me.

Sleep, dream, you, repeat.

Sleep, dream.

Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you.

Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do.

So many years that I have loved but it feels like I've just begun,

Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one.'

As I sang the lyrics I realised that it was true.

Michael was the only one I have ever liked, maybe possibly loved, like this.

But there's a difference between



In love.

Isn't there?

'Numbers, numbers, numbers,

Your the only one.

Numbers, numbers, numbers,

Your the only one.

You brought me back to life! You did the unthinkable.

Yeah you are my miracle.

Out if the seven billion people in this world, there's only you.

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