Chapter 4

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[Reader's POV]

"Y/n I don't know what to say, I'm sorry." Hoseok rubs my back to comfort me, considering what had just happened only an hour ago.

Haejin surprisingly stayed asleep throughout all of the yelling, which is a good thing considering what the yelling was about.

"I just-" I sigh. "I wasn't going to say anything and then he started to ask all of these questions and I just...snapped."

Hoseok leans my head down onto his shoulder and rubs my arm. "It'll be okay, as long as Jimin doesn't say anything to Haejin when he goes everything will be okay." He reassures.

I wanted to believe Hoseok's words but knowing Jimin and his talkative self, something will be said.

[Jimin's POV]

"WHAT!" Yoongi, my manager, yells. "Why didn't you tell me you knocked up some girl in high school?!"

"Because I just found out an hour ago!" I yell back, pacing back and forth with my fingers in my hair. "And she signed him up for dance lessons!" I add on.

Yoongi grabs the bridge of his nose. "She obviously didn't know it was you that owned the building by the way you explained her leaving. Let's just think of the positives here, you have a new student which means more money-"

"Is that all you can think about? I just found out I'm a father. How would you react if you found out you were a father after 5 years?" I ask.

"Well I'm gay so that's a rare case but," Yoongi mumbles. "Look Jimin, everything will be alright. Just don't talk to the kid, I don't think he knows you're his father." Yoongi says making a valid point.

He probably doesn't even know I'm his father considering Y/n is his mother. "Yeah, you're probably right." I run my fingers through my hair one more time before I let my hand drop to my side.

"Are you going to be okay about all of this?" He asks. "Cause if you're not I can make sure he isn't able to-"

"I'll be okay, don't worry about me." I pat his shoulder with a smile. "I have a class in a few minutes, you should go before you end up on the floor like last time."

"In my defense I didn't know they would run over me, I thought I was tall enough so they could see me." He retorts as he walks out.

The studio soon fills with teenagers around the ages of 15-18, I turn on music in order for them to warm up while I was left with my thoughts without Yoongi nagging in my ear.

When Y/n had told me about Haejin, my body had stopped. Everything had made sense, the day I had left must of been the day she was going to tell me she was pregnant. I noticed throughout the day she seemed nervous about something but I brushed it off as her being upset I was leaving.

I could've been a father, I could've been there for her for those hard 9 months, but I wasn't.

"Uh Mr. Park?" I snap out of my thoughts to see everyone looking at me. "Can we start?"

I cough with a smile. "Yeah, sorry." I apologise. I walk over to the speaker and turn on the song that went with whatever choreography we were learning.


I toss my duffel bag onto the floor of my apartment, sighing. How the hell did I get myself into this situation? Only if I hadn't pressured her into sleeping with me that one night we wouldn't- she wouldn't have to take care of him.

What I'm most worried about is seeing her everyday when she drops him off, she has to at least look at me when she drops him off and if that doesn't ruin her day I don't know what does.

I wish I knew the full story behind why she hates me. Yes, I walked out on her but she could've said something as I was leaving or when I arrived, this isn't all my fault.

A loud pounding at me door brings me to my feet in a quick motion along with yelling from the other side, which could only mean two people...

"What do you guys want?" I ask annoyed. The two boys look at me with a saddened look.

"We brought tequila..." Taehyung mumbles. I roll and open the door for them, their frowns turning upside down.

"You guys don't even like tequila," I say yanking the bottle out of Taehyung's hand and setting it on the counter, crossing my arms. "What do you guys need? It's late and I have a lot on my mind."

Jungkook rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, we should've come tomorrow. Yoongi had told us what happened with-"

"Don't mention it, right now it's the last thing I would like to think about." I admit as I rub my temples.

Taehyung pats my back before ushering Jungkook and himself out the door without another word.

I was appreciative of them coming over but they always seem to have bad timing or don't think through their actions.

But of course Yoongi told them, he isn't one to keep his mouth shut, that's why we're such good friends is because I can't keep mine shut either.

I glance over at the full bottle of tequila, debating whether or not I want fuck myself over or not. After some "careful" consideration I grab the bottle and drag myself towards my room for a long night.



This isnt how i usually end a chapter but whateverrrr its fineeeee

Thanks for reading!

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