Chapter 10

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[Reader's POV]

"Thanks for coming!" I say to the last person from Haejin's party leaves. After shutting the door I let a long sigh leave my lips.

Jin comes running down the stairs with a smile on his face. "Haejin is asleep in his room, Jimin is up there with him." He says.

"He's still here?" I ask and he nods.

"I hate to break it to you but I don't think he's leaving anytime soon..." Jin tells me. I shrug my shoulders.

"Well I'm the reason he's here so I guess I shouldn't complain too much." I acknowledged. Jin walks over to me, bringing me into hug.

My head burys into his chest. "Why did I ever accept his offer, Jin? I could've just come up with dumb excuse for Haejin to believe, then he wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be so worried all the time." I mumbled in his chest.

Jin rubs his hand up and down my back. "I'm surprised you did," He chuckles dryly. "I remember how big of a mess you were the day he left, I wish I could've done something more besides keep you company. But maybe this is a good thing he's in Haejin's life, maybe you two can work things out. Although I'm not a big fan of him, I'd rather you two be on good terms then the terms you're on now." Jin says making a point.

Jimin and I aren't even on the greatest terms, I snap at him with every moment I get and I really shouldn't. I have to remind myself that I'm not Haejin's only parent, Jimin is here now.

"You're probably right Jin." I admit.

"No, I know I'm right." He says making me laugh. Jin pulls me out of his arms and holds me by my arms. "Namjoon and I are going to go home, are you going to be alright?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Thank you for coming, I loved seeing you two here tonight." I say making him smile. Right on que, Namjoon walks out of the kitchen, wrapping and arm around Jin.

The two soon leave for their home, leaving me alone with Jimin who was still upstairs with Haejin.

I clean up the trash around the house and take down the decorations that were scattered around the house. After I finished putting the left over food in a container and putting it into the fridge, I trot up the stairs.

I turn my head into Haejin's room, my heart softening at the sight. Haejin was passed out on top of Jimin's chest, who was asleep up against the headboard. Instead of waking up Jimin and risking waking up Haejin, I decided to leave him.

As I was about to walk towards my room, I hear Jimin say something. "What did you say?" I whisper. Jimin puts his hand on Haejin's back and smiles.

"Thank you, for everything." He says. I nod my head with a smile.

"You're welcome, Jimin. If you want you can spend the night, I still have some of your old clothes." I say scratching the back of my neck embarrassingly. I can't believe I just admitted I still had some of his stuff...

Jimin chuckles a bit before gently removing Haejin off of him. "You still have some of my stuff?" He asked getting up off of the bed and following me to my room.

I shrug. "Never had time to go through it I guess..." I admit. I flick the lights on in my room and walk over to my dresser where I had a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt.

As I was looking for it I could see Jimin looking around my room, looking at a few of the old photos I had around the room. "You still have this?" He asks holding up a specific picture frame.

I turn around to look at the photo he had, my cheeks turning a light pink. It was a photo of Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin and I at prom. "Yeah, I do. It's one of my favorites." I say tossing Jimin the clothes. "You can either sleep in Haejin's room with him or on the couch, your choice."

Jimin catches the clothes, holding them close to his chest. "Can we talk?" He asks.

"What about?" I walk over to the door and shut it so we wouldn't wake Haejin up from our talking.

"About...all of this." He says circling his hands around the room. "I want to prove to you that I can be a good father and I want to ask, am I doing alright?" He asked.

I sit down on my bed with my hands in my lap. "You haven't proven much. I mean so far Haejin seems to really like you, he liked you before and you seem to really like him. Just don't expect me to give all of him to you, we're both the parents here. He isn't some toy we share between each other, he's still a little young to understand all that's going on." I explain to which Jimin just nods his head.

"How can I prove that I'm a good father?" He asks.

I stand from my spot on the bed and stand in front of him. "Don't walk out on him like you did me."



Hi! Its been almost a week so im sorry i haven't updated, I've been busy with swimming and such since im getting back into shape and its just been hectic.

Thanks for reading!

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