Chapter 11

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[Reader's POV]

"Haejin we have to go!" I yell as I start to get a bit impatient. Haejin soon comes running down the stairs, full speed.

"I had to pee!" He says as he quickly slips his shoes on. Hoseok walks out of the kitchen laughing. "Uncle Hoseok, you're still coming to my practice right?"

Hoseok nods his head. "Yes I am bubba." I look up at him questionably.

"You're going to his dance practice?"

"Jimin asked if I could help out with the class today so I thought why not?" He says. I look down at Haejin to see him smiling a big smile.

"That means you don't need to drop me off momma, uncle Hoseok has this all under control." Haejin says making me chuckle.

"Tell Jimin I said hello." I tell Hoseok who held a shocked expression. "What?"

"You? Being nice to Jimin? Are you sick?" He jokingly asks as he puts his hand on my forehead.

I slap it away and roll my eyes. "He's going to be in my life 24/7 now so I might as well make amends with him." I explain to Hoseok who just had a smirk on his face.

"Just admit it, you still have feelings for him."

"I do not!" I defend myself, my cheeks turning pink. "Just go to practice, I have work to complete." I lean down and kiss Haejin's head before they leave.

"Bye Y/n, I'll try to bring Haejin back in one piece!" Hoseok yells as he walks out the door, Haejin giggling behind him.

I roll my eyes. "He better..."

[Jimin's POV]

I greet the receptionist at the front desk as I walk into the studio where Hoseok and Haejin were already waiting. "Sorry for being late, I over slept."

Haejin notices my presence, soon running over to me. "It's fine daddy, we just got here." He says.

I look around the room, my eyes landing on Hoseok. "Where's Y/n?" I ask.

"I told her she didn't need to take Haejin since I was coming in today. Besides she had work to complete." Hoseok says making me sigh out of disappointment.

I wasn't going to lie and say I was a bit disappointed that Y/n wasn't here, I was looking forward to seeing-

I slap my cheeks and shake my head to get rid of the meaningless thoughts. Hoseok walks over and pats my shoulder. "We should start stretching, you can think about Y/n later." He winks.

I shrug his hand off of my shoulder. "Maybe I will." I mock. Hoseok just laughs, shaking his head.

Oh my god, why did I say that when we all know I will be thinking about her...


"Good job today, you guys did amazing." I tell the kids as they all pile out of the studio, running to their parents with a smile on their face.

Hoseok walks over to me wiping his forehead with a towel. "Thanks for letting me help out today, it felt good to get back into it." He pants.

"Don't you dance in your free time?" I ask and Hoseok just shrugs.

"I do but it isn't anything like this, you're intense. I'm surprised the kids haven't dropped dead out of exhaustion yet." He says making me laugh.

I look around the room to see Haejin waving at someone through the door. "Who are you?" He yells. I walk over to see he was waving at Yoongi.

"I'm assuming you're Haejin?" He asks crouching down to his height. Haejin nods. "I'm your dad's manager, Min Yoongi." Yoongi holds his hand out for Haejin to shake it.

Haejin grabs onto his hand shyly, shaking it lightly. "What're you doing here?" I ask.

"Well I was here to let you know your schedule for the next week but now I'm wanting to ask out that guy across the room." He says eyeing Hoseok who just kept his attention on his phone.

"Uncle Hoseok?" Haejin questions.

"Is that his name?" Yoongi asks Haejin who nods his head excitedly.

I look over at Hoseok who now had his eyes on Yoongi. "Well while you guys make googly eyes at each other, I'm going to take Haejin home." I annouce and grab my bag from the corner of the room.

"What about your schedule?"

"Bye Yoongi, bye Hoseok!" I yell, Haejin waving at the two as we shut the door to the studio.

I open the door to my car and let Haejin in before getting in myself. "Should we pick up lunch for your mom?" I ask Haejin through the rearview mirror. He nods his head.

"Mommy would like that!" He yells making me smile.

"What does she do?" I ask as I pull out of the private parking the studio provided.

Haejin puts his hand on his chin. "I'm not sure but I know she works from home because she has to watch me."

"Well you have me now so maybe she can go back to work." I suggest to which Haejin just purses his lips.

"I don't know if mommy would like that, she's very protective of me. It's only been us for a very long time and I don't think she want's to give me up any time soon," He giggles. "I love mommy and I love you but I want what makes mommy happy."

I nod my head. "Believe me buddy, that's all I want too."



I love soft jimin dont even get me started. I hope you guys are having a good day, my day is okay i guess. I've also been having really bad writers block, it hasnt been this bad for a while and its been eating at me for a while, hope you understand hah.

Thanks for reading!

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