Chapter 13

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[Reader's POV]

Hoseok had taken Haejin and I inside, putting Haejin in the spare bedroom where we'll be sleeping for the next few nights. I didn't want to go home for a while, considering Jimin might be there. I know we're going to have to work things out at some point, but as of right now I don't want anything to do with him.

At the moment I had made myself comfortable on the couch while Hoseok made hot chocolate for the both of us. So what it was summer? Hot chocolate can be made any season.

Hoseok walks out of he kitchen with two cups of hot chocolate in hand, handing me my drink before sitting down next to me.  "Would you like to talk about what happened?" I shake my head. "What're you going to do about dance lessons? If you want you can either take a break or I can take Hae-"

"I want him taken out of dance lessons." I said making Hoseok's eyes widen.

"W-What?" He stutters.

"I don't want Jimin near Haejin anymore, he made it obvious that he doesn't want to be around him either so what's the point of continuing." I look down at my drink.

"The fight was that bad, huh?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Haejin was awake through all of it, he heard all the things Jimin and I were saying towards each other. I'm such a bad parent Hoseok." I sob, my tears coming back to me.

Hoseok grabs my drink and sets it down on the coffee table along with his, bringing me into his arms shortly after. "You're not a bad parent Y/n, you thought you were doing something right and it took a turn for the worse." Hoseok somehow reassures me with his words.

"I love Haejin, Hoseok but why did I ever agree to sleep with Jimin? Of course Haejin came out of it and you know how much he means to me, but if I hadn't slept with him we wouldn't be in this type of situation. He would off with his stupid dancing while I'm off with my own life. This wasn't supposed to happen." I cry. Hoseok rubs his hand up and down my back, calming me down.

"I know Y/n, I know." He hums. I wrap my arms around Hoseok's torso. "Y'know one good thing came out of Jimin," Hoseok says. "He has a really hot manager." He jokes making me laugh.

Hoseok leans out of the hug and presses his lips against my forehead. "Everything will be okay, you can stay here as long as you want with Haejin. I'll call the dance studio sometime this week and cancel Haejin's lessons. Sound good?"

"Thank you, Hoseok. This means a lot to Haejin and I." I say wiping away left over tears. A few moment of silence go by before I hear Haejin yell for me.

Hoseok picks up the drinks and brings them into the kitchen while I went upstairs to where Haejin was. When I open the door I see Haejin playing with the stuffed toy he got for his birthday. "Hey love, how'd you sleep?"

Haejin doesn't look up but just shrugs his shoulders. "Mommy, what happened to daddy? Why were you guys yelling?"

I sit down at the end of the bed and sigh. "Your daddy and I aren't getting along at the moment, so we decided to get some space." I tell him, choosing to leave out the fact that he wont be attending dance lessons anymore.

"Will you guys ever get back together?" He asks now looking up at me with a saddened look.

"I don't know love, I really don't know."

[Jimin's POV]

"Jimin what the fuck were you thinking? You spent all this time wanting to be in that kids life yet you go ahead and ruin it? What the hell is wrong with you?" Yoongi asked as I paced back and forth in front of him.

I was still in Y/n's house and had called Yoongi over a few minutes after the scene played out. "I don't know! All of my anger just spewed out and I wasn't able to stop it!" I yell.

Yoongi walks over to me and grabs onto my shoulders, bringing me to a stop. "Jimin I understand that but I don't think you're going to be able to fix this. She gave you a second chance and you blew it, again. You fucked up big time Jimin. I wish I had an idea of how I could help but I really don't..."

"It's not like I can just go and forget about her and Haejin Yoongi, if I hadn't known I had son I wouldn't have tried to be in his life but now that I know, i don't think I can just go off and ignore it." I admit to Yoongi who just nods his head in understanding.

"You can either do two things, leave her alone, long enough for her to cool off and then go talk to her. Or you can just go out and find her, making the risk of losing Haejin even higher. This is your fight Jimin, you need to be the one to fix it." Yoongi says before leaving the house.

I look down at my feet in shame. Why can't I just learn to keep my mouth shut?



This was an...ok chapter?
I actually debated on posting this chapter but i guess its too late now lmao

Thanks for reading!

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