Chapter 5

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[Reader's POV]

I walk into Hoseok's room where a sleeping Haejin lay. "Haejin," I shook his small body to wake him up considering the time, soon enough his eyes crack open. "We're going home, go tell uncle Hoseok bye."

Haejin nods, climbing out of the bed and leaving to tell Hoseok goodbye. I shut the lights off in Hoseok's room and shut the door before joining them.

"Bye uncle Hoseok." Haejin yawns. Hoseok picks him up chuckling, bringing him into a tight hug.

"I'll see you next week on your birthday okay?" He says. Haejin nods his head tiredly but smiles nonetheless. Hoseok looks over to me with a sympathetic look. "Call me if anything happens." He whispers.

I nod my head and grab Haejin out his arms. "I'll see you next week." I say walking out and into the car.

During the ride home Haejin had fallen asleep leaving me in my thoughts alone. I sigh to myself as the memories of earlier come flooding back. I wish I never went to that studio and signed him up, I should've been more careful. For all I know Jimin could tell Haejin and everything will then go into a downwards spiral.

I might of said I didn't want him to know about his father but I knew that wasn't going to happen. One day I'll tell him, when he's older and is able to understand it without asking too many questions, he's too young for that right now.

Of course he'll feel betrayed that I hadn't told him earlier in his life but that's something we deal with when the time comes.

The view of our home came into view making me sigh in relief along with exhaustion. After parking the car in the driveway I turn around and smile at the sleeping boy. "The things I do for you, Haejin."

After grabbing Haejin out of his booster seat and putting him to bed, I walk down the hall and into my bedroom where I lay myself and fall asleep a few seconds later.


It was Saturday which meant I had to take Haejin to the studio to meet Jimin. Last night I had gotten an email stating he was approved to start lessons on Monday, sadly it had also stated that he meet his instructor today instead of Monday.

Which meant today he would be meeting his father and he won't even know. I didn't know how Jimin felt about this but I could care less how he feels about it.

I set a plate of food in front of Haejin as I sit across from him. "Guess what we're doing today?" I ask him. He looks up at me with a mouthful of food.

Haejin swallows before answering. "Going to the park?" I shake my head. "Arcade?"

"Nope," I say popping the 'p', Haejin shrugs his shoulders then gets back to his food. "We're going to meet your instructor and the new dance studio you're attending."

It all happened so fast that I wasn't able to react to the small boy who had spit his food out all over the table in surprise. "REALLY?!" He yells in excitement.

I nod my head laughing. Haejin gets off his seat and runs over to me, wrapping his arms around me the best he could. "Thank you." He whispers in my ear making me smile.

"Anything for you, love." I respond. Haejin lets go of the hug and gets back to his food that he ate quickly. After he had finished he ran to his room to get ready for the day.

I decided to do the same after cleaning uo Haejin's mess and dishes. At least Haejin was looking forward towards today...


"Is he nice? What's his name? How old is he? What does he-"

"Haejin, you're going to have to wait until we get there to find out the answers to your million of questions." I chuckle.

We were currently sitting in the car on our way to the dance studio and Haejin wasn't able to keep his mouth shut about how excited he was.

"But mom I want to make a good impression!" He yells from the back making me roll my eyes playfully.

"I'm sure he's going to love you," I say looking at him through the rearview mirror. "You are his son after all." I mumble to myself, turning my attention back to the road.

The studio came into view causing Haejin to squeal with excitement. "Park the car mommy! Hurry!" He yelled.

I park the car and get out to unbuckle Haejin only to see him already waiting for me by the entrance. "How'd you-"

"I'm almost five mom, I may be little but I'm not dumb." He says making me roll my eyes.

I grab onto Haejin's hands and crouch down in front of him. "When we go in there I need you on your best behavior okay? Don't speak unless spoken to and be nice. Got it?" I say. Haejin nodded his head with a smile.

I let go of one of his hands and open the door to the building. When the bell rings the receptionist looks up from her computer to smile at us. "Ah welcome back! Mr. Park is running late this morning so just have a seat." She says.

I guide Haejin over to the seats and sit him down. I could see him bouncing in his seat making me laugh. "Are you nervous?" I ask.

"Nervous is an understatement mommy, I'm about to pee my pants." He says. I shake my head at the boy.

"It'll be okay, like I said I'm sure he's going to love you." I reassure him making Haejin smile.

Haejin and I decide to play rock, paper, scissors while we waited for Jimin to arrive. My hand makes a rock as Haejin's makes paper.

"I win!" He exclaims making me laugh. Just as we were about to throw down our hands the bell to the door sounded throughout the studio as a tired looking Jimin waltzes right in.

Haejin and I look over, making eye contact almost immidiantly. "Morning Mr. Park, Ms. L/n has brought her son to meet you." The receptionist said.

Jimin nods his head. "Come with me you two." He smiles towards Haejin but kept a close eye on me.

I guess it's now or never.



This chapter kind of sucked but thats okay. I hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as i am, i love writing this type of stuff.

I would also like to ask, what would you think if i stopped making x readers and just wrote ships? Like namjin, taekook, etc. I've been thinking about it for a while but haven't made a solid decision.

Thanks for reading!

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