Chapter 17

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[Reader's POV]

"Mom please!" Haejin begged as he tugged at the bottom of my shirt while I cut up some food. At the moment he was begging to go to some dance competition that was being held next week.

Who knows how he found out about it, but he wants to go. Bad.

"Haejin, I said I'll think about it. The longer you beg the less time it gives me to really think about it." I say turning around to see the boy with a pout.


"Hello!" Haejin and I both turn our attention to the door where Hoseok had walked in, a smile on his face.

"Uncle Hobi!" Haejin yells as he runs into the arms of the sunshine. Hoseok picks him up and holds him on his hip.

"Guess what," He says. I narrow my eyes at him. "I got all three of us tickets to the FA Dance Competition."

My slap my hand on my forehead while Haejin cheered. "Really?! Cause I was just begging mommy to go!" Haejin yells.

Hoseok looks over at me and sheepishly smiles. "I thought he'd enjoy it, you too. Remember when you used to dance-"

"You danced?!" Haejin yells. I rub the corners of my eyes, nodding.

"Yes I used to dance back in high school, how do you think I met your father?" I laugh.

"Well, why'd you stop?"

I cross my arms over my chest. "I had a big accident and wasn't able to dance again, so I just quit." I shrug my shoulders at the truth. 

Well, not all if that is true.

Back in high school I was on the school's dance team which was where I met Jimin, that was the truth.

The accident part not so much.

It was the end of the year and they were holding a school dance competition where we choreograph the dance all by ourselves and then present it to the entire school. I worked hard on my solo, I even put it something I'd been working on for the past month that I knew would impress people.

Later that week when it was my turn to go up. I had been doing so well until it came to what I was working on, I guess I hadn't practiced it enough because instead of landing on my feet, I came face to face with the ground.

I was told by my instructor that what I did could have ended up much worse then it did. She then later on told me that I shouldn't be a dancer.

So I quit. Out if pure embrassment and vulnerability.

I was in my junior year when the incident happened and already knew Jimin. He was there for me when I fell and for when I quit.

Hence why I fell so hard for him.

"Mommy?" I shake my head and snap out of my daydream to see Haejin waving his hand in front of me while Hoseok laughed. "Where'd you go?"

I ruffled Haejin's black hair. "Just my thoughts. Since Uncle Hoseok is here why don't you stay here with him while I run a few errands." I look up at Hoseok who nodded his head.

I walk over to the door and slip my shoes on but before I could walk out the door, Hoseok grabs my wrist. "Where are you going? Is it something I said?"

I smile. "No Hobi, it isn't anything you said. I'm just running some errands I should be back soon, keep an eye on Haejin." I rub his arm to reassure him before walking out.


The dark studio comes into vision as I park my car and take the keys out.

I can't believe I'm out here doing this, out here at a dance studio to dance when I haven't in 6 years.

This is going to end up as a mess...

"Ah fuck it." I say climbing out of my car and walking in. I flick the lights on and watch as it lights up with life. I hadn't been in this studio for a while.

This studio belongs to the old lady that lived next door to my mom's house, dancing runs in her family and the studio was just passed down to her. When she found out both Hobi and I danced she gave us a spare key that we used almost everyday for thirteen years.

I never thought to give it back to her when I stopped dancing, so I just let it sit in my wallet for six more years. It surprised me when the door opened without trouble, thinking she would've at least change the lock.

I toss my bag on the ground and run my fingers through my hair. I grab my phone from my pocket and connect to the speakers where a song began to play.

After tossing my phone in my bag I take my position and let my body take control. Of course I had no idea what I was doing, but I didn't care.

It was a relief. It made me feel as though I was young again, like I never quit dance in the first place.

I leaped, spun, rolled, everything that I didn't think I still had in me. I had been so caught up in my thoughts, the thoughts that told me I shouldn't have quit and that I should've kept going, that if I had kept going I could be like Jimin.

I was so caught up I didn't hear the door open and close, only when the music ended and my body had stopped, I noticed.

"So, you do still have it in you." I make eye contact with Jimin through the mirror.

"What're you doing here?" I pant.

Jimin raises his bag up in the air. "Same reason you are, to practice." I raise my brow.


"The FA Dance Competition of course."



How was this chapter? I thought it was okay. If the words are jumbled I'm sorry djskd i was listening to music so it might be messed up.

I also cant wait for next chapter, get ready😉

Thanks for reading!

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