Chapter 7

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[Reader's POV]

"Then he asked if he could be in his life, Hoseok I don't know if I can do this..." I say to Hoseok over the phone. 'Well, he told you to think about it so think about it. Do you really want him in Haejin's life or not?' I thought about what Hoseok had said, did I want him in Haejin's life? Or did I want him back in mine? "I don't know Hoseok, I'm going to let you go. I need to pick Haejin up from the studio." Hoseok and I said our final goodbyes before finally hanging up.

It was now Monday which meant it was Haejin's first official day at the studio. He was excited, not only for his first day but for his birthday tomorrow.

I, on the other hand, am having a hard time with accepting the fact that Haejin is starting school soon along with the fact that Jimin wants to be apart of his life.

When I reached the studio I saw Jimin and Haejin waiting by the entrance goofing around. I step out of the car, causing Haejin to turn his attention from Jimin, to me. "Mommy!" He exclaimed running over and hugging my knees.

"Hi love, how was your first day?" I ask looking down at the smiling boy.

"It was good! Jimin said I improved since Saturday!" I look up at Jimin to see him already looking at me, a fond smile on his face.

"Did he now?" I look back down at Haejin who nodded his head. "Why don't you get in the car, I'm going to talk to Jimin." Haejin nods his head and does as he's told.

When I walk over to Jimin I could sense his anticipation. "So? Did you think about it?" He asked. I sigh and rub my face with my hands.

"I need more time Jimin, this is something that will not only affect Haejin, it'll affect me too." I admit.

Jimin looked down at his feet. "What did I ever do? I thought you were proud of me when I left five years ago?" He asked. Shit, now he's getting into the past.

"Jimin I was, but you have to remember I was under a lot. I just found out I was pregnant and the baby's father was leaving me. Do you know how horrible I felt? I had to go through it alone-"

"You wouldn't have if you just told me ealier! I would've dropped everything to stay with you and have a family with you, Y/n! Don't pin this all on me!" He yells.

At this rate, people began to stare. "We can't do this here Jimin so I'm going to make myself clear. I wanted to tell you I was pregnant but you looked so happy and excited that I just didn't have the guts to do it. Looking at who you are now, I'm glad I didn't tell you. You're a good person and a good instructor Jimin, I just don't know how you would be as a father." I admit. Jimin stared at me with disbelief. "I'll see you tomorrow with Haejin." Is the last thing I said before getting into the car and driving away.


When we had gotten home, Haejin had sat himself down on the couch and watched TV while I made lunch.

"Hey mommy," Haejin starts. I poke my head out of the kitchen. "What were you and Jimin talking about that resulted in him to yell?" He asked. "Is he mad at you?"

Yes. "No, he isn't love. He's just a bit on edge at the moment." I explain. I wouldn't say Jimin is mad at me, I would say he's infuriated with me. "Just don't ask him about it okay? It might hurt his feelings." Haejin nodded his head as he shut the TV off and joined me in the kitchen.

Haejin and I sat across from each other, sandwhiches in front of us. It was really quiet which was weird for Haejin. Usually he'd be talking up a storm about what happened in his show or at least what happened today at the studio, but nothing.

Finally after hating the silence for long enough, I decided to ask him what was wrong. What he had said next took me by surprise.

"Do I have a dad?"

[Jimin's POV]

"I just can't believe she won't let me be in his life, Yoongi." I say as I pace back and forth in front of him.

Yoongi sighed as he tossed his phone onto the couch he was sitting on. "Jimin I get that you all of a sudden want to be in that boys life but remember, Y/n has been in his since day one and all she's doing is protecting her child."

"From his own father? Yoongi that has to be the dumbest thing anyone has ever done. I am his father and he is my son, I'm not going to stand around and watch him have a life without a father." I explain.

Yoongi looks me up and down. "Are you sure you're just doing this for the kid?" He asks. I stare at him with my eyebrows scrunched together.

"Why else would I be doing it?" Yoongi raises his eyebrow at me and I finally catch on. "! I am not doing this for Y/n! Why would I?" By now I ran my fingers through my hair so many times I'm surprised none of it has fallen out.

"Isn't it obvious Jimin, you still have feelings for her. Just because you want to go and be in his life, doesn't mean Y/n won't be there. It takes two people to be parents Jimin." Yoongi says making me roll my eyes.

Yoongi stood from his spot on the couch and walked over to me, patting my back. "Look, if Y/n ever does let you back into Haejin's life you have to remember that she is going to be there as well. Like I said, it takes two to be parents." He said before walking out.

I sit down on the couch and bury my face into my hands. All of this was too much to process, I shouldn't have asked her to be in his life. Y/n was right, it doesn't just affect Haejin it affects her as well. Letting someone from your past who hurt you back into your life is a big step and I don't think she's able to handle it, maybe that's why she needs time to think.

As I was about to get up to shower, my phone rang with an unknown I.D. popping up.

"Hello?" I say. 'Hey, it's Y/n...' My eyes slightly widened. "Uh hi, what do you need?" I ask. I could hear Y/n sigh at the other end of the line. 'Haejin had asked if he had a dad and I- I didn't know how to respond so i said yes and-' "What are you getting at Y/n?" Y/n sighs once again. 'I've decided that he does infact need a father in his life, so I'm accepting your offer.' She says. My eyes widened even more. "W-wait you're serious?" I ask. 'Unfortunately yes, I am. Tomorrow is Haejin's birthday so I expect you over at our house around three. See you tomorrow.' She said before hanging up.

I set my phone down on the table, my nerves going everywhere.

"Oh my god, I'm a father."



i didn't like the way i ended the chapter but thats okay lol

Thanks for reading!

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