Chapter 19

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[Reader's POV]

So here I am, sitting at a red light wondering what my life is going to be like in the next year. Will I be married? Dating? Dead?

Who knows.

All I know is that will somehow have Park Jimin involved and I'm still not sure if its a good or a bad thing. It could be both.

Haejin has a father around and I could possibly have a love interest. Good.

He ends up breaking mine and Haejin's heart for the second time and we end on horrible terms. Bad.

It could go either way.

A hear a honk that sends me out of my sudden day dream as I now notice the light has finally turned green. I wave out the window as an apology to the one behind me as I speed off in the direction of my home.

Hoseok is probably going to wonder where I've been for the past two hours. I don't think running errands takes that long...


I pull into my driveway and sit in my car for a bit before turning it off and heading inside, where Hoseok was sitting on the ground with Haejin in front of him.

"Welcome home, where have you been?" Hoseok asks getting straight to the point. I take my shoes off and hang my bag on the coat hanger by the door.

Haejin came over and wrapped his small chubby fingers around my own, guiding me over to the couch. "I'll tell you later, let's just say it involved a studio and a tornado of feelings." I say sitting down on the couch.

"Did someone hurt your feelings mommy?" Haejin asks as he lays down on my lap.

"Nobody hurt my feelings, love. They might be playing with them if I'm not careful, but nobody hurt them."

"That doesn't sound fun to play at all." Haejin mumbles making me laugh.

"Oh you have no idea." I whisper, running my fingers through his silky black hair. I look over at Hoseok who had a smirk on his face. "What?"

"Nothing! I'm not going to say anything." He says holding his hands up in front of him, making me wonder if he figured out where I went.

I roll my eyes at the man and lean down to check if Haejin was asleep, fortunately he was. "I went to that old studio that old lady owned."

"I knew it!" Hoseok whisper shouted. "And let me guess, you saw Jimin and talked with him." He guessed next.

I rub my neck. "Not exactly."

He stares at me dumbfounded. "What did you do then? Make out?" He laughs but I stay quiet, confirming his words which make him gasp. "You did! You made out with him!"

"I'm sorry!" I whisper, trying to not wake Haejin up. "It was the heat of the moment and I couldn't help myself! His lips were right there and I just couldn't ignore them." I defend myself but Hoseok doesn't seem to be buying it.

"You wanted it! You want him! You have feelings for him again!" He says hitting every target on point.

"So what if I do! It's been like this for days and it's only going to get stronger if I don't do something about it." I explain.

Hoseok sighs. "What if he hurts you again? I couldn't bare seeing you barricade yourself up in your room, only coming down for food and water. It hurt me to watch you hurt." Hoseok explains.

"Just like I told Haejin, if I'm not careful he could just be playing with my feelings. All I have to do is be careful of him and it isn't like we're a thing, it was a kiss an run type of situation."

"Just be careful." He says and I nod my head. "At least you didn't ask him to kiss you."

I look down. "Y/n really!?"

"I'm sorry!"

[Jimin's POV]

"You kissed her?" Yoongi says, emphasising the word kiss.

"What else was I supposed to do? Her lips were right there and she told me to so I did. It felt...nice." I admit making Yoongi roll his eyes.

"Look I hate to sound like a jackass but you have a competition coming up and you can't have a girl on your mind during it. So stay away from her until the competition is over." He says.

I roll my eyes and take a drink from my water bottle. He wasn't wrong, there's no doubt Y/n is going to be the only thing on my mind but he can't just tell me to stay away from her, that's not how feelings work.

He should know, he's basically in love with her brother.


I look up at him and swallow my water. "So what?" He tilts his head to the side and I roll my eyes for the second time. "Fine, I'll stay away from her until the competition is over."

"Good boy. Now, go get into position again we're doing one more run through then I have to go." He says looking at his expensive watch.

"With Hoseok." I mock him resulting in him to slap the back of my head. "Aye! That wasn't nice!"

"Neither was your comment! Now get into position before I beat your ass." He says making me laugh.

I was laughing now but who knew this was going to be a hard week to get through.



It's 1:40 now and I've written two chapters that will be going out tomorrow.

Maybe I'll be able to finish this book tonight...🤔

Thanks for reading!

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