Chapter 6

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[Reader's POV]

I guess it's now or never. I stand from my spot and grab onto Haejin's nervous hand. Haejin squeezes my hand as we walk back with Jimin.

When we walk into the large studio Haejin's eyes lit up in amazement. "Woah..." I heard him whisper making me chuckle.

Jimin had set his dance bag in the far corner before walking over to us. "I'm Park Jimin, your instructor but you can call me Jimin," Jimin had crouched down in front of Haejin with his hand out.

Haejin took his hand and gently shook it. "Hey! My last name is Park too! I'm Haejin." Haejin replied. I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat.

Jimin put on a shocked expression. "No way! That's so cool." He said making Haejin giggle. I look down at the boy and smile towards him, even in the most uncomfortable situations Haejin always seems to make me smile.

Jimin looks up at me and smiles. "Nice seeing you again, Y/n."

"You too, Jimin." I quietly respond but still loud enough for him to hear. I let go of Haejin's hand, thinking he had gotten over his nerves but as soon as Iet go latched back on only tighter this time.

Haejin tugs on my hand and look up at me. "Please don't let go of me." He whispered. I nodded my head.

Haejin turned his attention back over to Jimin who held a an unreadable expression on his face. Was it sadness? Happiness? Anger? Who knew.

"So Haejin, do you have any experience with dancing?" Jimin asks and Haejin shakes his head.

"No but my uncle dances and I want to be just like him!" He exclaimed.

"Hoseok," Jimin whispered to himself. Back in high school those two used to be really close, that's how Jimin and I got to know each other. I would like to think they're still friends just not as close.

"You know my uncle?" Haejin asks with curiosity and Jimin nods.

"I went to school with him, I even went to school with your mom." The two boys look up at me.

"Really!? What was she like?" Haejin asked.

Jimin shrugged his shoulder. "She was a lot like who she is now. Sweet, loving, beautiful. I could go on but I'm here to get to know you." Jimin replied.

The lump that was in my throat had returned and my hands began to shake. "Mommy what's wrong?" Haejin asks looking up at me.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." I let go of Haejin's hand, leaving the studo and into the waiting room. "Where's the restroom?" I ask the receptionists who points to a door that was down the hall.

As soon as I make it into the bathroom I lock myself into the stall. I sit down on floor and bring my hands up to my eyes. "Don't let him get to you Y/n, he's doing this on purpose." I tell myself, my heart rate decreasing. I take a few deep breaths before unlocking the stall and walking out.

I turn on the sink and splash water all over my face to calm myself down even more. After drying my face I walk out of the bathroom and back into the studio where I see Jimin helping Haejin with a dance move.

The two snap their heads over to me, Haejin soon forgetting what he was doing and running over to me. "Are you okay mommy?" He asks. I lean down and kiss his forehead.

"Just fine, love. How is everything?" I ask him. Jimin walks over and sets his hand on Haejin's head.

"You have a really smart son, I'm quite impressed." He compliments. "If you would be okay with it, I would like to work with him a today a bit more before Monday."

I look down at Haejin to see him smiling with nodding his head. If it wasn't for Haejin being here in front of both of us I would've said no in a heartbeat. I knew Jimin just wanted to be close with his son but I don't think he understands, he isn't in his life and he never was in the beginning. Yes, he is his biological father but as of right now he is his instructor, not his father. It would've been different if Jimin decided to stay and raise him but he didn't.

While the two boys ran off to do their thing I found a spot in the far corner of the room where I was able to sit and watch. If you looked at the two side by side you could tell they were related. Haejin had my personality but Jimin's looks. They even swept their hair back the same way, it was a little scary if I'm being honest.

About an hour goes by of the two boys working together, Haejin had come over to me and laid his head down on my lap out of tiredness.

Jimin had walked over to me, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. "I'm surprised you didn't sign him up earlier, he has real potential." Jimin said as he slid down the wall, sitting next to me.

"I didn't sign him because of reasons, Jimin. I knew he had potential even before signing him up. Whenever we went to Hoseok's Haejin would watch him with such admiration. Only to go home and attempt the choreography himself."

I look down at Haejin to see him fast asleep in my lap, my fingers finding their way into his hair.

"He's a lot like you, the way he talks, the was his eyes sparkle when he's doing something he's passionate about. That's all you." Jimin says. "He even laughs like you, god how I loved that laugh."

"Please stop." I whisper. I could feel the tears coming and I didn't want to show defeat in front of him, not again. Jimin looked at me with a raised brow.

I turn my attention towards him. "What are you trying to do Jimin?" I ask. Jimin sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Y/n, I want to be in his life. After today I realised what I've been missing for the pasr five years of my life, please let me be in his life." Jimin had placed his hand on top of mine.

"I don't think I can do that Jimin. What is Haejin going to think? That his instructor is his father and that his mom has kept him from him for five years? Haejin doesn't even know he has a father and I would like to keep it that way until he's able to understand." I explain.

"I see where you're coming from Y/n but I want to be with him, help him, watch him grow. Just give me a chance." Jimin had a sympathetic look on his face.

I looked down at our hands and slowly remove mine from underneath his. "I don't know Jimin," I grab onto Haejin and stand from my spot on the ground. "We should get going, we'll see you Monday."

Before I could walk out the door, Jimin grabs onto my wrist.  "Think about it?" He asks. I shake his hand off of my wrist.

"We'll see."



W o w this was kind of a mess but that's okay, i hope i got my point across well.

I hope you guys are liking this so far, i said this in the last chapter but im just so nervous and self conscious about my writing djkdkd

Thanks for reading!

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