Chapter 15

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[Reader's POV]

After wiping away the left over butter on my face, I sit down in the dining room with Jimin sitting across from me. Why the look of things he seemed to have been crying, his eyes were red and puffy and he seemingly seemed a bit thinner.

Finally after a long moment of silence he decides to speak up. "I'm so sorry Y/n, I'm so sorry." Tears begin to form in his eyes.

"You should be, I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now," I say. "You really hurt me Jimin, you hurt Haejin too. He heard everything that day and no kid his age should have to hear his mother be called a bitch by his own father."

Jimin looked down at his lap in shame, a few tears falling onto his lap. You could tell he was genuinely sorry by his body image and the feeling he was letting off. But it was going to take a while for me to completely forgive him.

I knew Jimin was a good person, I just never thought he would say things like that, especially to a woman. It wasn't only his fault either, I provoked it in some way shape or form.

"Where's Haejin?" Jimin asks after a moment of silence.

"Hoseok took him out to get ice cream so we could talk. As of right now I don't want you near him, I'm sorry."

Jimin nods his head. "Don't be, I deserve this." He says. "Have you been home at all?"

"Not since the fight broke out, Hoseok has been letting me crash here. I was planning on going home tonight considering Haejin is running out of clothes to wear." I explain.

"Hoseok and Yoongi have been getting along well." Jimin and I chuckle.

The house becomes quiet as Jimin and I just stare at each other, figuring silence between us is the best answer. A stray tear falls out of Jimin's eye, my first instinct getting the best of me as I reach over the table and wipe it away with my thumb.

Instead of backing away from the sudden affection, he grabs onto my wrist and lays his head in my hand. "Why do you make me feel like this?" He whispers.

I sigh, taking away my hand slowly. "Hoseok should be home soon with Haejin, you should get going."

Jimin looks down before saying his goodbyes and leaving. After locking shutting the door, I put my back up against it and slide down with my face buried in my hands.

"Don't let him get the best of your feelings, Y/n. That's what he's good at." I mumble to myself. When Jimin had grabbed my wrist and put his head in my hand it felt as though my heart jumped from my chest to my throat.

He makes me feel things I shouldn't be feeling towards him. I can't fall back in love with him, it'll never work.

Besides, it isn't like he would return the feelings. Right?

[Jimin's POV]

I can't believe I did that. It probably made her uncomfortable when I put her hand on my face, but it felt so good.

It felt good having her touch, it felt good having her show affection towards me. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss our relationship.

Miss her.

It could either be the fact that we have a kid together that is making me feel like this or it could be the real deal. Let's hope it's the second option.

"So, how'd it go?" Yoongi asks sitting down in front of me. "Did she forgive you?"

I shift my position on the couch and shrug my shoulders. "I think it's going to take time for her to fully forgive me, but there wasn't as much tension as I thought there was going to be." Yoongi nods his head.

"Anything...else happen?" He asks, obviously knowing there was something else. "Come on Jimin, I've known you for five years, there has to be-"

"I miss her." I blurt out causing Yoongi's eyes to go wide.


"I miss her. I miss her affection, her hugs and her overall presence." I admit. "I don't know if I'm falling back in love with her or if its the thought of having a kid with her that's making me feel this way."

Yoongi leans back in the chair with his hands resting behind his head. "Do you think she feels the same?"

"I don't know Yoongi. When I went over there and everything had seemed to calm down she wiped away a stray tear that fell from my eye. I don't know if that could mean anything or if it was an instinct." I say rubbing my face.

Yoongi stands up from his spot and slaps my knee. "You two will work this out eventually, I promise you. Like I said, it takes two-"

"Two to be a parent. I got it Yoongi." I chuckle.

"Damn right you do, now if you'll excuse me I have a date." He says wiping away the nonexistent dirt on his suit.

"Ooo~ with who?" I ask although I have a general idea of who it could be.

"None of your business, I'll see you tomorrow at that dance studio where you'll be practicing for that competition coming up." I wave goodbye to Yoongi as he walked out the door.

I rub my eyes tiredly, not ready for what tomorrow could bring.



Kind of a shitty chapter so im sorry :( im tired and out of it so my chapters arent going to be 100% best quality.

Thanks for reading!

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