Chapter 9

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[Reader's POV]

I wipe away whatever tears that fell, standing from my spot on the floor. "We should go downstairs, I have food to make and Haejin needs to eat," I say. "Let's go Haejin, you have all day to spend with him."

Both Haejin and Jimin stand up, following me out of Haejin's room. Once we get downstairs I see Hoseok talking to Namjoon and Jin, my best friends since high school.

"My two favorite gays!" I yell. The two boys stand up from their spot on the couch, bringing me into a hug.

"Y/n! We missed you!" I nod my head in Jin's chest, a new found smile on my face.

Both boys back away from the hug and when I look up to face them, I notice a confused look on their face. "What?"

"Who's this?" Namjoon asks pointing at Jimin who by the way, was holding Haejin's hand at the end of the staircase.

"Oh that's Jimin, remember? From high school..." I say as I start to fidget with my fingers.

Since Namjoon and Jin are my two best friends they already knew Jimin was the father of Haejin, they just like to play dumb. "Ah yes!" Jin claps his hands enthusiastically.

Jimin had an uncomfortable/awkward smile on his face. "Nice to see you two, how have you been?" You could tell he was uncomfortable, but I didn't feel the slightest bit of pity.

Namjoon and Jin never really liked Jimin in high school, and he knew that. They never told me why they didn't like him, probably something along the lines of, 'you're too good for him.'

Namjoon and Jin both held smiles on their faces before Jin leaned down to my ear. "Y/n can I talk to you? Privately?" I gulp.

"U-Uh sure, my room?" I ask and Jin nods. I look over at Jimin and hold up my finger. "Can you give Haejin his food? I'll be down in a minute."

Jimin nods his head, guiding Haejin to the kitchen while Jin and I talk in my room. After we enter the room and shut the door, Jin starts with the questions.

"Are you together again? What is he doing here? Does he know about Haejin? Does Haejin know?"

"No we aren't together and he's here the same reason you're here, for Haejin." I say. Jin presses his tongue up against the inside of his cheek.

"So he does know..." He figures. "How?" He asks.

"I signed Haejin up for dance lessons and he kept asking all these questions so it just slipped and a few nights ago at dinner Haejin asked about his dad-"

Jin holds his hand up to stop me from talking. "I think I understand now," He says sitting me down on the bed. "Why didn't you tell us?"

I rub the sides of my face. "I don't know Jin, I guess it all happened too fast that I wasn't able to." I admit. Jin wraps his arm around my shoulder and lays my head down onto it.

"Tell me if I'm wrong but is Jimin now apart of Haejin's life?" He asks.

"Oh Jinnie, I wish you were wrong, I really do." I whisper. Jin pats my back.

"Jin?" Namjoon says peaking his head though the cracked door. "Are you guys done? More people are arriving." He says.

I nod my head standing from Jin's hold and leaving for downstairs. Once I get downstairs I notice a few of my co-workers talking to Jimin while their kids play with Haejin.

"Y/n!" My good friend Dani yells as she walks over. "You didn't tell me you were married." She mumbles towards me.

"Oh I'm not-"

"But he just said Haejin is his son?" She says pointing towards Jimin. I look over to see him already looking at me, smiling.

"He is but we aren't together, it's a long story I choose to not get into." Dani nods her head, thankfully not asking too many questions.

[Jimin's POV]

"So how does it feel?" Hoseok asks. I look away from Y/n to face him.

"What?" I ask, obviously not listening.

"How does it feel to be a father? Any different?" I shrug my shoulders.

"It's different yes, but it's a good different. I just wish Y/n could see that I'm able to do it." I say.

Hoseok looks at me questionably. "What do you mean?"

I look down at the glass of water I had in my hands. "She doesn't think I can be a good father, I think it's because I'm a celebrity, how we only care about our ego." I chuckle dryly. "But I really think I can be a good father. Yeah, I've only been around Haejin for less than a week but I love him so much." I admit looking up at Hoseok.

Hoseok sets his glass down on the coffee table in front of us and leans over, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Than prove it, prove to her you can be a good father. Not only will you gain her trust, but maybe even more." He explains.

Hoseok leaves to help who I'm assuming Y/n in the kitchen, leaving me alone to think through my thoughts.

I take Hoseok's words into consideration, maybe if I prove to her I can be a good father she'll trust me to be around not only him, but her.

Is it bad that I do want something more?



Happy 4th! Here's an update for you guys since i lacked some for a few days. How do you guys like this book? I hope it isnt going to fast even though i have quite a few ideas for it later on.

Thanks for reading!

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