Chapter 18

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[Reader's POV]

I stared at Jimin who had somehow inched himself closer to me. "You're-You're competing?" I ask.

He nods his head. "Yes I am, why?"

"O-oh Haejin, Hoseok and I are going. Hoseok got Haejin tickets since he thought he'd enjoy it. He's been begging for a few days now." I chuckle.

Jimin chuckled as well which then lead to awkward tension in the room. I clear my throat.

"I should get going, you need to practice and-"

"Stay." He says, inching closer while I backed up. "Stay and watch me."

"Jimin I really should get home to H-Haejin." I stutter out as my back hits the mirror, Jimin's face only inches away from mine.

"I'm assuming Haejin is with Hoseok?" I nod my head, too afraid to speak. "Why are you so hesitant to stay? Are you afraid of what you might feel when you watch me dance? What you might do after I'm finished? What we might do?" His voice became lower.

I had no words, it felt like something was caught in my throat and there was no way to get it out.

"Just tell me the truth Y/n, have you fallen for me again?"

I shake my head.

"Don't lie, you know-"

"Just kiss me goddammit." I whisper, hating how close his lips were to mine yet how far away they seemed.

Jimin smiled before placing his hands on my waist and connecting our lips together. At first I thought it was going to be something it wasn't.

Sloppy, desperate, fast.

But it was smooth, slow and loving. Like we've both been waiting for a moment like this. There always seemed to be an elephant in the room and this seemed to be it.

I had realized over the past few days that I've been gaining my feelings back for the man that left me five years ago and it seems to me, that he's been having the same feelings towards me.

One of his hands found their way to my cheek while my arms swung around his neck, our lips moving in sync. His lips were as soft as they were the last time we kissed, he was just as gentle as he was all those years ago.

Jimin was never a rough person unless he was in the mood or unless you want him to be. He always treated you like you were a glass vase that could break at the slightest touch.

He treated you the way you wanted to be treated, with care and compassion.

"What are we doing?" I whisper up against his lips. Jimin removes his lips from mine, his eyes slightly open.

"Something I've wanted to do for days now. You've all I've been able to think about and I hate it. I hate that you have this affect on me again, just like you did back when we were dating. These past few weeks, I've had the urge to make you happy, make you smile. Haejin made me realise that."

I lean my forehead on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. His arms changed positions from my waist and cheek, now down to my waist where they wrapped around.

My arms stay around his neck, our long kiss thrown behind us as we now envelop each other in a hug filled with feelings. My mind is racing a hindered miles per hour at how this is going to affect our relationship and most importantly,


"Am I interrupting something?" Jimin and I turn around to see Yoongi with a raised brow and a bag, of what seemed to be food, in his hand.

I pull away from Jimin quickly and rub the back of my neck while looking down at the ground. Jimin chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair.

"You didn't, are you ready to start? I was waiting for you." Jimin says, his mood switching from sappy love struck man to one I'm unable to identify.

"Yeah..." Yoongi says skeptically while watching me.

I cough. "I should get going, Hoseok is probably wondering where I am." I sheepishly walk over to my bag and collect my things. "I'll see you guys later."

Jimin and Yoongi both wave me out of the studio as I speed walk to my car. As soon as I get in and had locked the door, I let myself take in what just happened.

I. Just. Kissed. Park. Jimin.

"What the hell..." I whisper as I touch my lips, still able to feel his on mine. "Did that just happen?"

I rub my temples as I take a few deep breaths.

It's okay Y/n, this is what you want right? You have feelings for him...right? It's like I'm a teenager again who had her first kiss.

This could be a good thing, or a bad thing. I guess we have to wait to find out.



It's currently 1:09 am when im writing this and i probably wont upload it until tomorrow but im in a depressing state so I'll be here for a bit

Thanks for reading!

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