Chapter 20

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[Reader's POV]

It's been a week. Seven days of no phone calls, no texts, and no knocks at the door with a, 'sorry i got really busy trying to plan our wedding, how are you?' At four am.

I sigh as I throw myself down onto my bed next to Hoseok who was reading one of the magazine's I kept under my bed.

"Maybe he's busy practicing for y'know, the competition tonight." Hoseok says making a valid point but am I going to believe that? Nah.

"Or I was a one time thing and he is only in it to see Haejin." I say, making up the worse case scenario.

Hoseok rolls up the magazine and hits me in the head. "You need to think more positive, he's most likely busy preparing the competition. Yoongi said it could make or break his career so it must be important."

I quickly sit up in my bed and face Hoseok. "When did you see Yoongi?"

His eyes widen. "W-Well would ya look at that, it's g-getting quite late-"

"It's noon," I say. "What are you hiding from me." I ask Hobi who just slowly starts to inch away from me.

"Look I'm not hiding anythingfromyousoifyou'dexcuseme-" Hobi soon darts out of my room at lightning speed.

"Hobi!" I yell. "Don't make me bring out the butter again, I am not playing your games!" I yell as I run down the stairs and slide across the wood floor as I try to catch the scared sunshine.

"What are you not telling me!" I yell, Hoseok and I now staring at each other in what seemed to be a face off, the couch being the only thing that keeps us from attacking one another.

"Yoongi said if I told you it would hurt your feelings." Hoseok slaps his hand over his mouth.

"What did Jimin do-"

"Jimin didn't have a choice, it was Yoongi, be mad at him!" He yells. I rub the sides of my head.

"It can't be that bad just tell me what Yoongi made Jimin do before I make you tell me." I threaten.

Hoseok, who now had all the confidence in the world, held a smirk on his face with his hands across his chest. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?"

I copy his actions, arms over chest and a smirk on my face. "I'll call mom and tell her you lost her favorite piece of clothing when in reality you put it on and ended up staining it, ripping it, and then threw it away." I smirk.

Hoseok's eyes widen. "How'd you find out?" He whispers.

"Oh my sweet brother of mine, I have it on video." Hoseok's face pales.

Hoseok finally gave in. "Fine. He told Jimin to leave you alone so he's forget about you and focus on the competition. Happy?"

"Indeed I am." I smile at him as I walk into the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

Hoseok decided to join me in the kitchen by taking a seat at the counter. "How did you get me ruining mom's shirt on video anyway?" He asks and I snort.

"I actually didn't get it on video, i didn't even know you ruined her shirt. I just thought it was a joke your friends made up." I could feel Hoseok's glare at the back of my head.

"You little-"

"Hello!" I turn my attention from my sandwich to the door where Haejin walked in, my mom not too far behind.

"Hi love, how was your day with grandma?" I ask Haejin as he came running into my arms.

"It was good! She bought me some new clothes for dance and an outfit for tonight!" He said excitedly. I look over at my mom and smile.

"He said he's really excited about tonight and wanted to impress the dancers. So I thought it would've been fun to get him something." My mom says as she sits down next to Hoseok.

I stare at my mom confused. "Is the competition tonight?" I ask, to which everyone nodded their head at. "oH mY GoD."

"What? You scared you gonna see Jimin." Hoseok mocks resulting in a glare sent his way.

My mom laughs before standing up and saying goodbye as she makes her leave.

Haejin tugs at the bottom of my shirt. "We're still going right?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Don't worry love, we're still going." I reassure making Haejin smile and run off to his room with his newly bought clothes.

This was going to be a long ass night.



Heyo its now 2:14 am and im calling it quits lmao im so tired and I've written three chapters the best i could to make up for my time gone.

Thanks for reading!

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