Chapter 12

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[Reader's POV]

I set down my writing utensil, rubbing the sides of my head out of exhaustion. It's been five hours since I started my work and I hadn't stopped to take a break.

I sigh and pick my pencil back up but set it back down as I hear the front door open and close, laughter coming from downstairs. It doesn't seem to be Hoseok, which could only mean it's most likely Jimin.

I stand from my spot at my desk and open the door, Jimin standing in front of me with a bag of food and his fist in the air. "O-Oh hey," He stutters. Hmm, cute. "This is for you." He says handing me the bag of food.

"My god you're a life saver," I say making him laugh. I walk out of my office and usher Jimin to come down stairs into the kitchen with me. "Haejin in his room?" I sit down at the dining table, pulling out the food.

"Yeah he fell asleep in the car so I put him to bed." Jimin sits down across from me. "How's work going?" He asks and I shrug.

"Same old, same old. I've been doing this ever since Haejin was born so nothing has really changed." I chuckle.

"Y'know, you have me right?" He says and I nod my head. "If you want you can go back to work and-"

"Jimin I trust you but I would feel more reassured if I knew Haejin was safe with me, at home." I admit. Jimin crosses his arms over his chest.

"Is it reassurance or is the lack of trust you have in me?" He asks a bit irritated.

"Jimin let's not start this, please. You and I are starting to get a long and I don't want to ruin whatever we have or could possibly have." I say but Jimin just huffs. "Jimin-"

"Don't start Y/n, I know you don't trust me with Haejin, it's obvious."

I could feel my body shake as my angry started to rise. "I'm not having this conversation with you." I say as I leave the kitchen for my room, Jimin following.

Before I could get into my room and shut the door, Jimin walks in with me and shuts it himself. "Just admit you don't trust and then we won't have to have this conversation!" He yells.

I stand my ground in front of him, maintaining eye contact. "Jimin, I'll admit you don't have my full trust but you have to understand where I'm coming from here, I don't trust you because I don't know what goes on inside of your head, I don't know your antics, I don't know anything about you. So of you expect trust right off the bat? You're dead wrong."

Jimin laughs dryly, his tongue up against his cheek. "This was a fucking mistake." He whispers, thinking I wouldn't hear him.

"What was Jimin? Deciding to be apart of your sons life? Because I-"

"No Y/n! You were the mistake! I can't fucking believe I let myself date such a shallow bitch like yourself. I should've never asked you out and I definitely shouldn't have slept with you!"

My breathing stopped and my body shook, tears threatening to escape. I could see the look in Jimin's eyes soften as he realised what he had said. "Y/n-" He reaches out to touch me but I storm out of my room.

I walk into Haejin's room with tears rolling down my face. "Mommy?" I hear Haejin sob. He was awake the whole time, having to hear Jimin and I yell at each other.

"It's okay love, just go get in the car." Haejin nods his head as he runs down the stairs to the car while I grabbed Haejin's night bag.

"Y/n please-" Jimin begs as I walk out of Haejin's room with a slam of the door.

"No Jimin, I see where you're coming from. I'm just some shallow bitch who doesn't want what's best for her family, I get it. So if you don't mind, please leave my family the fuck alone." Tears were running down my face faster than I could leave my own home.

I grab my phone and car keys before leaving Jimin alone in the house. As soon as I get in the car I turn around to see Haejin back asleep with dried tears on his cheeks.

God I'm an awful mother. I never even thought about if Haejin could hear me, all I could think about was yelling at Jimin.

I wipe away the rest of my tears and pull out of the driveway, leaving for Hoseok's. Deep down inside I knew this wouldn't have worked out, I knew that if I were to let Jimin back into my life something bad like this was going to happen.

Yet, I let him in anyway. I decide to call Hoseok to let him know Haejin and I were on our way. After a few rings, he picks up.

"Hoseok?" I sob. 'Y/n? Are you okay?' He asks and I shake my head, not caring if he didn't see me. 'Just tell me when you get here, be safe.' He said before hanging up.

I shut my phone off and let out a ragged breath. "Why did I ever think letting him in was good idea?" I ask myself, not expecting to know the answer anytime soon.


I pull into Hoseok's driveway and get out of the car, grabbing the sleeping Haejin. "Y/n, what happened? Is everything alright?" Hoseok asks as he runs out of his house towards me.

"Jimin and I had a fight," I say quietly, trying to not wake Haejin up again. "It was bad enough that I had to leave the house."

Hoseok takes Haejin out of my arms and holds him in his. "Oh, I'm so sorry Y/n. Stay here as long as you need." Hoseok wraps his arm around my neck and brings me into a hug.

I lay my head down on his shoulder and let the rest of my tears fall.



Who's soft Jimin? I dont know her.

Thanks for reading!

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