Chapter 16

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[Reader's POV]

I toss my bag on my bed, laying down next to it. Haejin was in his room playing with his toys while I changed my clothes considering I've been wearing the same two things for almost a week.

It's been a few hours since my talk with Jimin and that's been the only thing on my mind. Wondering why I touched his cheek and regretting not keeping it there longer.

I want to say I'm happy with how my life is right now, having a stable job, a nice home and a family was something I dreamed of as a kid, I should be happier and feeling content.

But I'm not.

I feel like something or someone is missing, i could possibly be feeling like this because Jimin is around more often now but I keep denying the feelings. My mind telling me he's trouble and that he's only here to be with Haejin.

I wish i was wrong to be honest but I know for a fact that I'm not. Jimin asked to be in Haejin's life, not Haejin and his mom's life.

I let out a deep sigh before sitting from my bed only to see Haejin in front of me. "What do you need love?" I ask bringing him up onto my lap.

Haejin grabs onto my cheeks and pulls my forehead down to his. "I have a question,"

I raise my brow and chuckle. "You can ask me anything and I'll give you an answer, what do you need?" I question.

"Are you and daddy friends?" He asks. I wasn't as shocked as I should've been and instead of lying, I told him what I could.

"Your dad and I...aren't on the best of terms. We're not friends but we're not mad at each other anymore. Does that make sense?" I pull my forehead off of his to see him nod.

"I just want you to be happy mommy, I know he hurt your feelings but I'm sure he didn't mean it. He probably was just angry and couldn't keep his anger in. I know sometimes when I get upset I yell and get angry but then feel bad afterwards, usually It's just a bad day. Do you think daddy had a bad day?"

Haejin's small speech brought tears to my eyes and smile to my lips.

"I'm sure daddy was just having a bad day, he was like that when we were young too." I chuckle, remembering the times when I had to calm him down whenever someone pissed him off.

"What was daddy like when you were young?" He asks making me laugh even harder.

I scoot both Haejin and I back onto the bed, setting him in front of me so we were facing each other. "Are you sure you want to know?"

Haejin's face lights up as he nods excitedly. "I do!"

"I guess I'll tell you a few stories." Haejin claps his hands.

Who knew, that was what started a long night full of stories from when Jimin and I were young.

[Jimin's POV]

My feet hit the ground with a bang as my heavy breathing and the smell of sweat filled the room. It was early in the morning and I had to be up early to start my training for a dance competition that was coming up.

I could hear Yoongi walk over to me and pat my back. "That was good, but you need more enthusiasm, more power. Right now you're just flapping your limbs around like one of those inflatables that are outside of car washes."

"I'm trying, I really am. My mind is so fogged up with thoughts from yesterday that it's all I can think about." I admit, taking a drink from my water bottle.

"Well, get a fan and blow away the fog because this dance competition could make or break your career. Don't think about Y/n, don't think about Haejin, think of the competition." Yoongi slaps my shoulder as he walks back to the corner he had been in since we arrived at the studio.

Yoongi always had a choice of words and usually they were the right ones. Back in high school, I would degrade myself of my dancing, telling myself I wasn't good enough and that I would never make it.

Fortunately Yoongi was there to help me, he was there to couch me through everything, even if he wasn't a dance coach.

He was kind of like a life coach.

"Ready?" He yells from the back with his phone in hand, the song ready to be played once more.

I take a deep breath, positioning myself as the music played loudly through the speakers. Before the thoughts could even fog up my mind, my body took control.

I moved in away my body has never moved before, my hair no longer sticking to my forehead, the sweat drying the faster I moved. My vision was cloudly but I knew what I was doing, I knew where I was and I knew how I looked.

As soon as the music subsided and feet hit the ground, I collapse onto the dance studio floor. Footsteps become closer, as Yoongi's hand settles onto my shoulder.

"That was what I was talking about, you had the enthusiasm in line and the power you emitted could put all marvel superheroes to shame. That was incredible Jimin, do exactly that at the competition."

I smiled up towards Yoongi, the dance competition being the only thing that fogs up my mind.




1.) Sorry for the late updates, i  was camping and didnt have any reception. I've also being having a lot of writers block

2.) I've had another story idea that im excited about writing and should be writing it in a few days or weeks, uploading it in a few months time

My writers block is pretty much clear so updates should be back to normal :)

Thanks for reading!

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