Chapter 23

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[Reader's POV]

"OKAY BUT THAT IS SO UNFAIR!" I yell at the dancer who stood in front of me with his hands on his hips.

"It is not! I am the man in this relationship, I get to pick where we go on the date!" He argues back. I cross my arms over my chest. "Just be glad I'm taking you out."

"Just be glad I accepted!" I retort back, instantly regretting it as I watch Jimin's face call. "Oh chim-"

He holds his hand out in front of him. "No, no. I see how it is, you don't want to go on a date with me." He chuckles.

"That isn't what I said-"

"Oh but it kind of is, now tell me," He slowly walks closer to me, his face inches from mine. "If you don't want to go on a date with me, why have you been so...vulnerable towards me these past few days? Usually when someone is interested in another person they become vulnerable and would do anything to please the other. Why is it different with you?"

During his attempt to get me heated he had walked even closer to me, resulting in my back to hit the kitchen counter. "I just think it's unfair that you get to pick where we go, I feel as though we should discuss a place we'd both like to go-"

Jimin places his lips on mine, stopping me mid-sentence. I sigh into the kiss. He does this often, whether or not the conversation is important or not, and I didn't mind one bit.

"EXCUSE YOU, THERE ARE CHILDREN IN THE BUILDING!" Jimin and I detach quickly out of fear, turning around to find Hoseok covering the giggling Haejin's eyes.

I rub the back of my neck out of embarrassment while Jimin coughed awkwardly. "We get it, you're into each other but Haejin doesn't want to see it and neither do I." Hoseok says.

"But you and that Yoongi guy do it all the time." Haejin looked up at Hoseok mumbling, making his cheeks turn pink.

We all stand in silence, Haejin leaving to go play with his toys while we all stood still in the kitchen.

Finally, Jimin coughs. "Anyway, Y/n," He says turning to me, gaining my full attention. "I'll pick you up around eight, dress nice." He kisses the top of my head and leaves without another word.

Hoseok and I both look at each other. "Is that how things work now? You just say you're going on a date with someone and then expect the other to show up?"

"It's 2018 Hoseok, that's how everything works now," I say, making a valid point. "Besides, I'd go anyway. This is Jimin we're talking about." I smile.

Hoseok smiles towards me before snorting. "God you're so whipped."

"Pfff whatever. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go shower since I look nasty." I say patting Hoseok's chest as I walk past him.

As I pass by Haejin's room to go into my own, his sudden call stops me. "Yes?" I peak my head into his room with sudden curiosity.

The said boy ushers me in and pats the spot on the ground next to him for me to sit at. When I sit down he crawls into my lap. "What's happening between you and daddy?"

I grab onto his cheeks and smile. "Something that should have happened a long time ago." I say. Haejin grabs onto my hand and plays with my fingers.

"Are you together? Like husband and wife?" He asks making me laugh.

"You're daddy and I aren't there yet," I say, hoping there's even a yet. "As of right now you're daddy and I are together, as in boyfriend and girlfriend. Is that okay?" I ask hoping this isn't too much for the poor boy.

Haejin leans his head up nodding with a smile. "It's perfect. I told daddy a while ago all I wanted to do was make you happy and I guess he wanted to do the same. Right? You're happy right mommy?"

I grab onto his cheeks. "I'm more than happy, love." I say making Haejin smile.

"I'm glad mommy, when you're happy, I'm happy."


"Mommy! Daddy is here!" I hear Haejin yell from downstairs followed by a few giggles.

I take a few deep breath before opening the door to my bedroom and make my way down the stairs.

"Wow." Both Haejin and Jimin say in unison. "You look so pretty mommy." Haejin says making me chuckle.

I look over at Jimin to see his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. "Are you ready?" He asks holding out one of his hands for me to take.

I grab onto his hand and give it a squeeze. "Ready as I'll ever be," I look down to Haejin. "Be good for your uncle, I'll see you tomorrow."

Haejin waves goodbye to Jimin and I as we drive out of the driveway, making our way onto the busy streets.

Who knew this would be the night, the night where Jimin and I both knew we were going to be okay and together forever.



Damn what a cheesy ending

Thanks for reading!

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