Chapter 2

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[Reader's POV]

Haejin climbs up on the couch between Hoseok and I, getting in close to my ear. "Can uncle Hoseok teach me his new dance?" He whispers. I turn to him and point to Hoseok.

"I don't know, ask him." I smile at Haejin who began to play with his fingers.

"U-Uncle Hoseok," He starts making Hoseok nod. "C-Can you t-teach me your n-new da-dance?" He stutters. Wow I'm so soft for this boy.

"Instead of me teaching you how to dance, why doesn't your mom sign you up for some dance classes?" He suggests while giving me the look.

Haejin looks over at me with hopeful eyes. "Please mom? I'm going to be," He pauses to count on his fingers. "Five next week," He says holding up six fingers. "Consider this an early birthday present."

I sigh. "I'll think about it." I say making Haejin clap his hands enthusiastically. He jumps off the couch, getting back to his toys.

Hoseok chuckles from next to me, resulting in a glare sent towards his way. "What did I do?" He holds his hands up in defense.

"Hoseok if he starts dancing he has the risk of seeing him in the future. I don't want that-"

"Y/n he's going to find out at some point in his life, it might as well be now. If he finds out when he's older he's only going to run off without your consent to find him." Hoseok says making a point.

"Like I said, I'll think about it." I say.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Haejin asks making my stomach rise up into my throat.

Before I could speak, Hoseok comes up with an excuse. "Your grandmas, brothers dog who had a pet fish, he died so we're sulking." I slap Hoseok's chest for giving Haejin the dumbest excuse ever.

"How sad." Haejin looks down at his feet in sadness. I glare at Hoseok for making him sad.

I crouch down and lift Haejin's chin up. "It'll be okay, love. The doggy is going to be okay so you should too." I reassure him, making Haejin smile.

After Haejin when back to his toys I slap Hoseok's chest a second time. "Are you kidding me Hoseok?" I ask making him laugh.

"Anyway, I have a dance studio I recommend you signing Haejin up for. They have a great choreographer and its close to your home. They even offer up till high school, come on that is hard to beat."

"What about the price? I'm a single mother, not a millionaire." I joke.

"I'll pay for his first year and if both of you like it, then we'll work it out. But please check it out, I know you'll love it." He says, convincing me only slightly.

"Do you mind if I go check it out now while it's still fresh in my mind?" I ask to which he shakes his head.

"I don't mind, go, leave, be gone!" He yells, ushering me out of the house. I roll my eyes before waving goodbye to Haejin. "I'll send the address." Hoseok says as he shuts the door.

Just like he said, Hoseok sends me the address of the dance studio. Surprisingly it was almost right across the school Haejin will be attending next year.

I inhale and exhale to sooth my nerves before pulling out of the driveway and making my way to the dance studio.


I park the car in front of the building and sit for a bit, inspecting the building. Park Studio it read on the front. "Oh Haejin, the things I do for you." I say to myself as I climb out of the car and walk inside the building.

As soon as you walk in, there was a small waiting room with a receptionist waiting for someone to save her from boredom. The bell dings, catching her attention. "Oh hello, welcome to Park Studio, how may I help you?" She asks in the nicest way possible.

I smile at her. "I want to sign my son up for dance." I reply. She searches around in her desk for a bit before pulling out a clipboard and a pile of paperwork making me internally groan.

"Just fill these out, the choreographer should be done with his class soon then he'll be able to speak with you." She says with a smile. I nod my head towards her before taking a seat and begin filling out the paperwork.

You could tell by the womans expression that she didn't want to be there, looking as if she hadn't seen the outside in over thirty years.

Half way through filling out the thick paperwork, the door leading to the studio opens as teenagers begin piling out. "Bye Mr. Park!" They yell.

I look up from the paperwork to see a man emerge from the studio, my eyes widening.

Oh Hoseok, you're so dead.

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