Chapter 21

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[Reader's POV]

"Mommy! Hurry!" Haejin yelled from downstairs as I put on my hoodie and slipped my shoes on. "We're gonna be late!"

I walk out of my room to see Haejin at the bottom of the steps, hands on his hips with his foot tapping the hard wood floor. "You take forever." He says.

"I didn't take that long, now let's go join your uncle in the car." I jog down the stairs and usher the now excited boy out the door.

Haejin had already buckled himself in the backseat by the time I got into the passenger side, Hoseok on my left. "Are you finally ready? You took forever."

I could hear Haejin snicker in the back. "I didn't take that long!" I defend myself but Haejin and Hoseok both tilt their head. I cross my arms over my chest and face the other direction. "Whatever, just drive."

Hoseok laughs as he pulls out of the driveway and speeds off down the road.


When we arrived at the location where the competition was going to be held, I was shocked to say the least. It was an outdoor venue that had tables and chairs closer to the stage, which I assumed would be the judges table, while everyone else sat behind them.

It was a large stage with bright lights and black backdrop, the dancers most likely backstage. I was curious as to if Jimin was here or if he was late like he usually is.

He's always late to these types of things and for him to be early or on time would be a miracle.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" Haejin grabs onto my hand and points in the direction of the stage where the dancers were, Jimin being one of them. "It's daddy! Can I go say hi?"

I crouch down to his size. "He's busy right now Haejin, besides he's probably very nervous right now. You can see him after." I tell him. Although he was disappointed he wasn't able to see Jimin at this moment, he was happy he'd be able to after.

Hoseok puts his hand on my shoulder and points towards the back where we'll be sitting. Sadly we did get here a bit later and the venue was already filled with hundreds of people, so it wasn't a surprise that we had to sit in the back.

I take Haejin and sit him on my lap so he'd be able to see better over all the people, his eyes lighting up in admiration and excitement.

Out of the three of us, I think Haejin would have to be the most excited about tonight.

All of a sudden the lights cut out except for the four lights on the stage, next thing we knew the competition had begun.

Dancer after dancer, hour after hour and still no Jimin. You could tell Haejin was getting tired but he insisted on staying awake long enough to see Jimin.

Haejin was now sitting on my knee with his head on my shoulder while we watched the current dancer, Haejin drifting in and out of sleep.

I lean over to Hoseok. "Do you know when Jimin is going up? Haejin would like to see him but I don't know how much longer he's going to hold up." I say.

Hoseok checks over the flyer he got earlier and points down at the bottom. "He's next after this girl."

I nudge Haejin who had fallen asleep for a short while and tell him Jimin was up next, his mood instantly rising.

As soon as the previous dancer left the stage and the lights dimmed, Haejin sat up with all of his attention focused on the stage.

"Mommy, it's daddy!" Haejin yelled the moment the lights came on to reveal Jimin himself. Haejin's eyes were now lit up and his hands were up in the air, waving frantically.

Music blared through the speakers as Jimin danced around on stage, with just as much enthusiasm as he had in high school.

It was amazing.

The way his body moved so freely, the way his feet would move gracefully across the stage. I had forgotten how good he was at what he does.

Haejin was cheering, clapping and yelling for Jimin. He was happy and that's all I wish for him, even if it meant having to see Jimin all the time.

I see why he makes Haejin happy, he makes me happy too.

"Mommy did you see that?!" Haejin turns around to face me with a smile on his face. It was then that I noticed that competition had come to an end and that they were now announcing the winner.

Every dancer came on stage with crossed fingers and the same amount of hope as the others.

Before I could comprehend anything else, cheering and Haejin screaming enveloped my ears. "Daddy won! Daddy won! Daddy won!" He yelled.

I look up at the stage to see Jimin in Yoongi's arms with tears running down his face. "Daddy!" Haejin yelled as loud as he could and surprisingly, it caught his attention.

Jimin and I make eye contact as Yoongi lets him go, whispering something in his ear. He jumps off the stage and ran towards the three of us. "What's he doing?" I ask as I stand from my spot and set Haejin down on the ground.

Jimin pushes past a few people before arms were wrapped around my waist, and I was lifted off the ground. "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear.

I chuckle as I wrap my arms around him. "What for?"

"For what I'm about to do." He says setting me down and putting his hands on my face.

I open my mouth to speak but shut it as soon as his lips meet mine.



Wow what a cute chapter sjks

I actually didnt have any idea of how i was going to write this so im sorry if it's shit skks

Thanks for reading!

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