forced to marry justin bieber

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Hi my name is sara im 18 years old,

my mother died in a car accident when I was 9 and my dad is usually at work so I dont see him alot.I have a nice brown hair that goes to half of my back and blue eyes, I have a fit body with curves, my best friends name is ashley we knew each other since 8 years, she has a blonde long hair and a green eyes and a really hot body and I may say shes obsessed with justin bieber on the other hand I hate him he is full of him self and a player ,i may say that jermey beiber is my dad manager BTW my dad is calling me so I have to go.

"sara"dad called

"im comming"I said comming down the stairs

"whats up dad"I said

"set down honey I need to talk to you" he said as I set down

"ok daddy"I said

"sara honey I need to tell you something I know it bad and dont ever think that I dont love you but we really need to do this"he said..I started to worry and my palm started to sweat why im I so nervous

"dad please tell me what it is" I said

"sara honey you know jermey bieber my manager right ?" he asked

" yeah dad whats up"I said

"well you know his son the famous justin bieber, well he told me if I want to keep my job you should marry his son"he said

"whaattt !!!! im not gonna marry stupid justin bieber and im only 18 I dont wanna get married now " I said really shocked I never thought that im gonna have an arranged marrige I always imagined to marry the one im in love with plus im only fuckin 18

"im sorry honey but that job is the only thing that making us live this life and I cant loose it please sara"he said

I didnt have the word to say and my eyes started to water so leaved him there and run to my bedroom and lock the door


Hii guys so this is my first book I know it's a short chapter I hope you like it please vote and comment ♡♡

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