Chapter 1

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I had the idea so im writing it

Third person

The blonde walked into the unfamiliar classroom, nervous almost to the point of shaking. His fellow classmates looked him up and down, and questioned how he could even exist. Humans were all executed long ago, how was this one alive?

The human walked over and stood in the corner, waiting for their sensei to arrive.

When sensei did arrive, his long denim blue tail trailing behind him as he used the "walking" serpentine method to get around. He stood up at the front of the class, pushing his glasses up his nose before speaking, his cobalt eyes gazing over the room, checking attendance in his head.

The protective membrane that sometimes flashed over his eyes moved across them, only to go back when they landed on the blonde in the corner.

"And what might you be doing here" Sensei questioned him, his forked tongue peeking out before disappearing again.

The boy took a glance at the class, then back at the teacher, taking notice of the long tail behind him. He remembered the principal had told him if he got lost, his class was the one with a naga as the teacher. There were only two, and the boy had hoped this was the correct one.

"I was told that this would be my homeroom, s-sir." The blonde stuttered out, making the naga peer at him closely before slithering a bit closer.

"Do I frighten you?" The naga said, his face dangerously close to the poor humans. The blonde felt he was going to be eaten!

"Y-yes sir" The boy replied, his eyes full of fear, knowing he might die today.

Suddenly, the naga started laughing, showing off the very sharp fangs hidden inside his mouth. The blue sensei pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose before speaking once more.

"My, finally someone who's honest! You must be Naruto Uzumaki, the new student here. Please, take a seat. I am Sasuke Uchiha, but you may call me Mr. Uchiha. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year." Mr. Uchiha held out his hand. It had sharp, black claws with denim blue scales underneath the nail and in between his fingers.

The blonde shook his hand gratefully, careful not to damage any scales. He had learned from his previous school from anything with scales that it hurt a lot for them to be pushed in the wrong way or removed. Naruto wanted to be on the good side of some cybrids this time.

Naruto p.o.v

I walked to the seat in the corner of the class, next to the wall in the back. I didn't want to be distracted by staring out the window, and a lot of these guys were pretty freaky.

Throughout the class, Mr. Uchiha would stop for everyone to take notes. I took down notes perfectly, copying exactly what was on the board. At one point a student was caught talking when they weren't and lets just say i didn't even feel an ounce of Sasuke's wrath.

I got to look at his face more closely as well. His eyes were cat like, adjusting to the amount of light there was in the room. There was a small amount of scales just around his eyes, and he wrote gripping chalk with his claws instead of hands.

The bell rang as I just It finished writing down my last note. I waved Mr. Uchiha goodbye, and was going to run off to my next class when I was stopped by another cybrid.

When they stopped sniffing me, I could see they were an adlet. There legs looked like a dogs, but elongated to a humans height. They also had the ears of a dog instead of human, and a fluffy tail wagged behind them.

"Ah, sorry if I seem excited. I'm always like this when a new student arrives." The dog boy apologized. "Can I be your friend? Sorry if I seem clingy, I guess I get that from my dog side."

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