Chapter 3

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I went off to my next class, which was math with Asuma Sensei. His classroom was a fish tank, quite literally. His class had no windows, and the only space for air was the spot before exiting, which was where everyone got an air tank, unless they had gills, then you would open a glass door into his room, and if you couldn't swim, he was told to help students to their seats.

I swam over to my usual seat, and our teacher swam out through the floor. It was the only way he could get around the school. He had a blue tail that faded into green, and then finally into a greenish yellow. He had two pairs of fins on each side of the tail, each colored similarly to the tail. Asuma also had some fins behind his ears, his ears were also pointed with scales colored similarly to his tail.

He swam up to the front of class, introduced himself, and also introduced me. Through the rest of the period, nothing really exciting happened. All I did was take notes on some waterproof paper, and few kids got up to refill oxygen tanks, including me.

After Asuma-sensei's class, I gathered my things and headed to Orochimaru's classroom, also known as Biology. I split up with Kiba again, for some reason he was always at my classroom whenever the bell rang.

Walking into Orochimaru's class, I saw him with a literal dark purple colored anaconda wrapped around the man's neck.

"Aah, welcome Naruto-kun. This is Manda. He's not dangerous, unless I tell him to be kukuku." Orochimaru said. Manda's head stretched out towards me, and his forked tongue slipped out of his mouth to lick my face, causing me to giggle.

Orochimaru slithered away towards some sort of tank that looked like it was where Manda stayed. Orochimaru unwrapped Manda from around his neck and set the snake down in the cage, then put the lid on the cage so Manda couldn't get out.

I didn't really know if it was legal to have an anaconda in a classroom, but Orochimaru seemed like he knew what he was doing. Keyword seemed. I spotted Kabuto come in, give a paper to Orochimaru, then sit next to me in the back. Normally, snake cybrids would try to wrap their tail somewhat around their chair, so no one tripped over it, but it's not like Kabuto had much of a tail to wrap.

"Hello, Naruto-kun." Kabuto greeted me.

"How come all of the nagas in this school except Mr. Uchiha put kun on the end of my name?" I asked. Kabuto let out a chuckle, and didn't even answer my question. Weirdo.

The class went by normally. though the only thing different was Orochimaru almost stared at me the entire class period and Kabuto took glances at me. Nagas are weird.

My last period of the day was History with Kurenai-Sensei. She didn't even notice I was there, so I took the usual seat in the corner as I listened to her.

Her class was like Asuma Sensei's, except she wasn't half fish like Asuma. She had a black and white tail, and it was smooth with skin instead of scales. Technically, she was part orca. I guess it came with the fact she cared about her family and others around her. She was also good with confusing people and making illusions, which I guess orcas could do.

She had white spots around her eyes, and she truly looked like a killer whale with the red eyes. She wasn't exactly strict like Mr. Uchiha, but she wasn't as carefree as Kakashi-sensei to just let students do whatever. She was really easy to understand and she made all of her lessons clear. It was good, since I could easily write down notes.

As I exited the classroom, strong arms pulled me aside. I recognized this move, for it was normally used when a bully was moving me to beat me up or something.

I had no time to escape, for a white snake tail wrapped around the attacker, pulling him away from me.

"Don't touch the boy, or I'll have to call Uchiha Sensei"

"Kabuto!" I shouted happily. This left less to talk about at home.

"Don't think much of it. You're the only known human alive, I personally, as well as multiple others, would like to keep you alive." He responded, pulling my hand up to his face, looking to be comparing it to his own.

"I want us all to look normal again. Normal now is having a tail instead of an ass, or scales instead of skin. I want it to be able to go back to normal, and you are our only chance for that." Kabuto explained.

"Lord Orochimaru thinks the same. Mr. Uchiha also seems to have taken a liking to you." Kabuto said, examining me.

"Mr. Uchiha lets you call him that, too?" I asked.

"Why, of course. Only as a fellow naga, of course." Kabuto let me go, sending me off saying, "Mr. Uchiha is waiting for you in his classroom. Don't keep him waiting."

I made my way down to Sasuke's class, only calling him Sasuke in my head. I hope he couldn't read minds, or anyone else for that matter. Calling my sensei Mr. Uchiha all the time, even in my thoughts, felt weird to me. It made him sound married, and for some reason, that upset me a little.

I knocked lightly on the door, careful not to disturb him. I knew knocking was going to disturb him anyways, but I was trying to be polite.

"Come in" I heard Mr. Uchiha call me.

I opened the door, seeing him rise up from his desk. Though, the teacher looked slightly different. The colors of his tale stretched farther up his chest. Also, unlike the other 2 nagas, there were these lighter blue plates underneath the tail, and his eyes looked blood red instead of onyx. His appearance reminded me of an extinct species of naga, the lamia, but it couldn't be true. They were all killed!

"If you want proof I'm truly a lamia, just search me. I'm sure you know what they're distinguishing features are." It was true, I did know, but the only piece of distinguishing features they had, were that they're scales stretched all the way up the back, and stopped only to curve around the chest, around where the breastplates would go in a suit of armor. Sasuke seemed to know that, so he twisted himself around, showing me his back.

Lamias were special for it due to the fact most nagas either had scales that didn't go past the waist line at all, or they went up the front in a sort of straight line. Lamias scales went up the farthest, and while mainly there were female lamias, there could be males.

I lifted his shirt up a bit, enough for me to see the scales running up his back, and wrapping around his chest.

"Why do you want me to know this?" I asked Sasuke as he turned back around to face me.

"Because we are similar. We are both the last of our kind." Mr. Uchiha replied simply.

"I won't tell anyone, sir. I promise that." I saluted to the lamia, earning a smile from the man.

"Now, go home. Remember what you're homework is." He dismissed me. As I walked home, I smiled slightly to myself. Knowing such a secret from someone I just met made me feel good about myself.

I happily skipped home, humming to myself.

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