Chapter 2

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For the songs, I'm going to try to put stuff related to the chapter, but if I can't, then it'll be a song like beast or monster or something cause these creatures can be called monsters or beasts multiple times :)

Naruto p.o.v

Me and Kiba both had lunch next, and the cafeteria was really big. Though, i guess when you have centaurs and arachnids its necessary to have a huge cafeteria.

Kiba led me over to his table, where multiple different creatures were present. A centaur, a rather lazy satyr, and an elaphokentaurus.

The centaur was laying with its legs crossed underneathe her. I learned her name was Ino, and the part of her thats a horse was daisy white. She had sky blue eyes, and her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Occasionally, her tail would flick back and forth. She was wearing a red colored blouse that covered most of her upper chest, and the color stood out by a lot.

The satyr, named Shikamaru, wasn't really interested in anything. He seemed to have an interest in me though. His horns were placed on his forehead, and while they were small, you could still see them bending backwards slightly. 

The elaphokentaurus was named Sakura, and I wasnt really surprised when i found out she was the most popular girl in school. The most popular guy being Mr. Uchiha. I kinda felt bad for him.

Sakuras lower half was colored a light brown with white speckles. She had antlers, and they werent grown all the way, but I could tell they would grow to be very huge and spiky. Very pretty, very pretty.

I turned around only to trip over a snake tail.

Oh fuck

I looked at the naga and immediately started apologizing. "Oh I'm so sorry so so so sorry! Did I hurt you? You're all right, right?" I felt my cheeks heat up as I was completely flustered and embarrassed.

"Oh, stop apologizing. I should apologize, I was a bit close to your table." A voice i didnt recognise told me. Wait, I thought there were only two nagas- oh yeah Kabuto.

This naga had a mixture of black and white streaks down his tail, and his gold eyes peered down at me kindly. The man had his long black hair pulled into a ponytail, and had weird purple markings around his eyes. His skin was unnaturally pale, but he didnt have the scales around his eyes or hands like Mr. Uchiha. 

"I'm Orochimaru. I'll let you call me by my real name, as an apology for tripping you." Orochimaru said to me. "I believe you will see me in sixth period. Now, go buy your lunch. I'm  sure you're hungry."

I knew that food for these creatures wasn't supposed to be good for humans, but i have had to eat it my entire life, so I'm pretty used to it. I got a tray of the stuff, and when I  got back to my table, I began munching on the lunch.

The food was pretty bland, but I had lived my life on it so I could basically only taste this.

"Hey, you must be pretty special for Kiba to have clung to you." Ino said to me.

"Well, other than being human, I'm not that special-" I was interrupted by Kiba.

"No you are special! You almost outran Lee!" Kiba exclaimed excitedly.

The entire lunchroom started looking at me, and some kids even dropped their lunch trays and spat out water. I guess barely anyone can catch up to the boy. I was barely trying, though. I guess that's how I survived, while the rest of my race did not.

"Aah, yes. I witnessed his youthful running with my own eyes!" The bai ze exclaimed from somewhere in the room.

"Yeah! I saw it too! The boy runs like a cheetah!" Another student exclaimed.

"New kid! I challenge you to a race! No holding back! We shall see who is faster!" The same kid that I was running with shouted. I could see why he was fast. A black spotted green cheetah tail swung around behind him, and the rounded cheetah ears with the same pattern atop his head twitched. Green fir was present around his eyes, and made a line through the middle of his forehead, gradually fading into his black bowl cut. His eyes were catlike as well, pupils narrowing due to the light in the lunchroom.

"Uhm, fine I guess." I replied with a nod. I had to win this, or I might not ever make it here.

I followed the kid to the track field, him introducing himself as Rock Lee and fist pumped. "You will remember my name, Naruto Uzumaki!"

We both stood at the line, standing with one foot on the starting line, ready to run as fast as we could. "Run three laps all the way around! I will blow my whistle when someone crosses the finish line!" Gai sensei called out.

I knew my cheetahs, though. They ran super fast in short bursts. All I need to do is run faster than him, and keep it up. Pray for good stamina.

As soon as the whistle was blown, me and Lee were off to a good start. I could tell he was almost at his limit already, trying to keep up with me. We were already on the second lap, and I could hear Lee panting next to me. I needed to win this.

I upped my speed. Though, I didn't see the rotten banana peel thrown my way. I slipped, and it was over.

"Foul game" A recognizable voice called as Lee crossed the finish line. My homeroom teacher slithered over to me, giving me a scaly hand to help me up. I took it gratefully, confused to why he had called it foul.

"A student here threw a rotten banana in front of Naruto. I watched it with my own eyes." Sasuke explained carefully, turning to face the students watching. I saw his eyes narrow, and he slithered quickly up to the student.

"That is inexcusable behavior. I'm sending you down to Miss Tsunade immediately. Detention for a month." He said easily, his face right in front of the easily terrified students.

"Y-you can't do that! I'm not even your student!" He called out, trying to get out of going to detention.

"How about I call one of your teachers and tell them what happened then?" Sasuke asked the kid. The kid shut up, so we took the race again. This time, I won fair and square. I looked over to where Mr. Uchiha was watching and smiled at him. He stared back, looking shocked. I guess no one ever smiles at him. I was surprised when he responded with a small smile, his fangs peeking out slightly.

I responded with a grin. I watched him leave. I was disappointed as I watched him leave, though he was a teacher so he probably had some teacher business to deal with. I cheered in my head, as I heard the disappointed snarls, growls, and grunts in the background.

Lee said it was a good game, and my friends came over and hugged me to congratulate me. I hugged them all back best I could, and even Shikamaru seemed happy for me.

I guess this will be a good year.

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