Chapter 22

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I looked up side characters in Naruto and Naruto Uzumaki showed up and I'm so disappointed in humanity rn.

A loud tapping from behind me woke me from my slumber. Blinking my eyes a little, I looked behind me to see B rapping his fist against the glass, trying to wake me up. I assumed we're landing, and I smiled at him and mouthed a thank you. I didn't need a flight attendant getting too close of a look at me. Last thing I need is to be murdered because of my humanity.

I remember that no matter what offer he got, Jiraiya never really moved near Ame, Iwa, or Kusa, probably because they're government officials released a law that to kill humans on sight. Jiraiya was too nice for his own good, sometimes.

When the plane landed on the runway, it sowed to a stop and the boardwalk was extended. I waved goodbye to B, watching as they connected this plastic tube to the tank, emptying it of water and cybrids. Then they refilled the water and went on their merry way.

I stepped out onto the boardwalk and made my way into the airport, almost taking half an hour to navigate out of the building.

I took a breath as I let the cool wind of Iwagakure wash over my face. It was so much different than the busy streets of Konoha. Instead of inhaling the boring city air, I could feel relaxed as the air around here was much clearer, much more airy. 

I started walking towards the mountainside, taking in my surroundings. Everyone around me had no idea. They acted as if they weren't about to die. I haven't felt that way in years... Lucky people,  they are.

I busted into a full sprint, weaving through the crowds of people. Being careful about not tripping over anyone's tail, I quickly made my way towards the mountainside.

Kurama, is it legal to climb these?

I don't know. I know everything about Konoha because that's where I originate, genius. Before you ask, Gyūki doesn't know either. He originates in-

Yeah yeah, I got it. Isn't Son Gokū in Iwagakure?

Tough shit, kid. Me, Gyūki, and Shukaku are the only ones not about to rampage.

What the hell? Kurama, why didn't you tell me?

Didn't want to stress you too much. You might go insane, and then I'll rampage, and I don't really feel like doing that shit today. Maybe tomorrow or something I don't know. Even if Son Gokū wasn't about to rampage, I'm not letting you talk to him. He's annoying as all hell.

You're not helping right now!

Uh-huh. Suck it up, buttercup. Don'cha wish every bijū was in Konoha?

Not really no.


Ok, shut up. I'm just going to ask some random cybrid if there is like a mountain climbing range somewhere around here, since you are utterly useless.

Oi, I'm the thing keeping you from dying anyways. So, shut yer trap and find Kokuō, then we can find Son Gokū I guess. 

Looking around, I saw a stand that was selling pottery. All the designs were black and white, and reminded me of Deidara's wings. A 40 something year old drakaina was running the stand, smiling as she sold a pot that looked somewhat like a pig to a little girl.

Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun, a few stray strands of hair falling out of the bun. When she opened her eyes, they were a beautiful mix of green and blue. Her wings were porcelain white, and looked like a normal drakaina's.

Approaching the stand, she turned her head and spotted me. I saw her eyes widen, and she almost dropped the vase she was holding.

"... Deidara?" She asked.

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