Chapter 26

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I was looking up pictures of Deidara and his hair is longer than I thought and also did I mention Deidara is my favorite Akatsuki member? Deidara's my favorite I love his hair and his kekkei genkai

-8 years later-

"Attention everyone!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I stood on top of this kind of flat rock. Everyone turned their heads toward me, which included Ino, Sasuke, the Akatsuki, Jiraiya, Kiba, Shikamaru, Lee, Temari, Tenten, Gaara, and Kankuro.

"Before we get this party started, I have a few ground rules. Rule number one, if anyone lays a harmful hand on Sasuke they will be sacrificed to Lord Jashin-sama,"

"FUCK YEAH!" Hidan yelled from somewhere in my backyard.

"Rule number two, anyone harms anyone else I'm sacrificing you to Lord Fugaku-sama,"

"Isn't that my dad?" Sasuke asked incredulously.

"You don't want to find out whether Lord Fugaku-sama or Lord Jashin-sama are worse. Rule number three, vegan burgers are for pussies so if you're vegan learn how to eat a normal burger like a real man."

"What if we don't like burgers?" Ino asked from her corner.

"Then you starve. Anyways, with all those rules out of the way, let's fuckin party!" I shouted as I finished, jumping off the rock as people yelled words of happiness around me and started to converse with each other. I ran inside the house, grabbed my cooking apron, and ran back to the grill, where raw burger patties were laying.

Jiraiya walked over to me and placed a hand on my back, smiling as he turned his head towards me. He was wearing a teal collared button-up shirt and grey dress pants.

"Naruto, my boy, you're an official adult now. Don't you think you've got all the swearing out of your system?"

"You have no room to talk, you pervert."

"Eh- Well, I guess you have a point. Anyways, I'm proud of you, Naruto."

"Erm, Jiraiya? Do you know how to propose to someone you love?"

"Hmm? Why, I've never really proposed to someone. As many women I've been with, I've never really proposed to them. The worst that can happen is that they reject you, Naruto."

"Thanks, Dad. I love you." Jiraiya was about to leave, but turned back towards me as I said that, and enveloped me in a bear hug. 

"You haven't called me Dad or said you loved me ever since you were six." He whimpered, crying even harder when I wrapped my arms around him an patted him affectionately on the back.

"Enjoy the rest of the party, old man."

"I will, son." We smiled at each other before Jiraiya walked away. Konan walked up to me, a surprisingly water proof origami cup in her hand. I really don't know how and why it's waterproof, because there's no way it's laminated, but by the power of this author and the aesthetic of Konan it's waterproof.


"Hey Konan. How is everyone? I know I'm not at base a lot, but-"

"Don't fret. Everyone is doing just fine. You can just ask them, for they are all here."

"I'm just saying because it must be hard when your leader is barely ever present."

"It's alright. Pein had kept such a tight leash on all of us and I never realized it until you took over. But, he's still a part of our group and we treat him the same as we do the rest of our members."

"Well, that's good. That dress looks great on you, Konan."  Konan was wearing a short-sleeve dress, and the skirt part of it went down to her knees. The entire thing was made out of paper, and her lip piercing looked like a paper rose. Konan's been having this paper obsession ever since we met, I'm surprised she hasn't done a Sasori and made herself a body of paper yet.

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