Chapter 4

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I'm so happy I made the explaining the creature chapter, cuz now i know which ones I'm gonna use and how they will be so its like an organization tool for me. Also, autocorrect keeps changing dagon to dragon and I swear.

Naruto p.o.v

I pulled my house key out of my pocket, turning the key in the lock, pulling the key out after hearing a satisfying click. I pushed the door open, meeting my caregiver, Jiraiya. He tells me he found me left in a cardboard box, down somewhere in a ditch. He felt bad for me, so he raised me, despite the fact I was human.

Jiraiya was a red colored dagon. Interesting color for a dagon, but he was always positive about it. He had the fins behind his ear, running up his back, and on his forearms. Though, he didn't actually have gills. Other cybrids suspected that it was due to who his parents were. 

I set my schoolbag on the couch, digging through the unorganised mess to find my homework. I started worrying, since I didn't want my teachers thinking I was a bad student already. As I heard the doorbell ring, I sighed in disappointment and went to get the door. Upon opening it, I found no one.

"Hello?" I called out as I heard a small hissing sound from the ground. I looked down, spotting an anaconda, stretching about 20 feet long down the sidewalk. It was colored a dark purple, black spots starting from it's head all the way down to it's tail.

"Hmm? Why are you here?" I looked at it questioningly. It's golden eyes, looked up at me, and I noticed the folder in it's mouth.

"I am Aaaaaooodaa. Messssenger of Lord Sssassukee." Aoda told me, still staring at me.

"Uh huh. What business does Sasuke have with me that he'd send you all the way here." I questioned the creature.

"Lord Ssssasssuke hasss told me to bring you theeesssssee. He ssssaid you forgot theemm." Aoda reached his head up as far as he could, doing his best to hand me the folder.

Upon opening it, I found the homework from all of my teachers laying inside. Damn Sensei. He knows me too well.

"Tell him thank you. Damn teme knows me too well." I muttered the last part under my breath as I dismissed Aoda.

I shut the door on the anaconda, getting my homework out to start working as Jiraiya decided to start a conversation.

"So you gotta crush? Oooh who is it!" He asked excitedly. 

"Whaaat?! Crush on that stupid teme! No way!" I shouted back at Jiraiya, light blush covering my face.

"Naruto, remember your last school? When you got a crush on that naga and you always called him stupid and a teme? Hmmmm?" Jiraiya mocked.

"Shut it! Just because I like males and tend to always have a crush on a naga, fuck you god that does this to me, doesn't mean I like this one! And anyways, he's my teacher! I can't like him." I argued back at him.

"Ooh, so he's your teacher, eh? THis just makes the entire situation better!" He exclaimed.

"No it doesn't! And I don't like him!" I tried ending the conversation.

"Your face says different! Come on, just tell me." Jiraiya looked me right in the face, and for some reason I couldn't say no. "Hah! I was right! You see, the heart wants what it wants!" 

I sighed in defeat. I looked down at my homework, and went back to completing it.

When I got to my class the next day, the first thing Mr. Uchiha said was extremely simple, and surprised me that he had to ask.

"Who here did not complete their homework?" He asked simply. To my surprise, everyone in the class raised their hand, except me.

"I see. Uzumaki, I see your hand isn't raised. Would you care to bring your homework up here." It wasn't really a question, but a command. I pulled all the sheets of homework out of the same folder Aoda had given me, and handed him all the papers that belonged to him.

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