Chapter 12

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I awoke with the same usual throbbing headache. It was finally fucking Monday. I dug through my closet to find clothes for today.  Pulling out a black shirt with the lyric 'I wanna rock n roll all nite' on the front and the lyric 'and party all night on the back'.

Picking up my phone, I saw that I had one message from Temari, from last night.

temass: heh heh have fun nart ;)

Realizing she probably won't respond, I sent her what happened in my dream, in hopes she'd read it eventually.

nartshavelivestoo:  I listened last night again. it was these guys talking about trying to get this 'kitsune' of some sort, though I've never heard of it. got any idea?

I threw my phone into my schoolbag, walking to school. Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I reached into my leather bag and pulled out my rather bland phone. Unlocking the phone, I went to the messaging app and looked at Temari's text.

temass: I think kitsunes are extinct, maybe that's why they aren't well known

nartshavelivestoo: that would explain the lack of information on them

Looking up from my phone, I found myself standing at the school's gates. Sending a quick text to Temari that I was at school so she'd stop messaging me, I threw my phone into my schoolbag, spotting my friends near the school gate. Well, I saw Shikamaru, Kiba, and Ino. I guess Sakura was too busy being popular.

I waved to them, and Ino looked up from her phone to smile at me. She shoved it into her school bag as well. Kiba looked really happy to see me, bounding over to me to lick my face. He's like a puppy, even though he's sixteen now.

Shikamaru looked indifferent, still staring at the clouds as I was laughing and telling Kiba to get off me. We walked through the halls, before we were forced to separate.  The only one that was in my homeroom was Ino, and she was staring at her phone again. The phone had one of those gel glitter cases, the purple, blue, and pink glitter swirled around in an angry storm.

I wasn't really paying any interest in anything until we got to homeroom, Ino walking in first and I walked in after her. Sitting in my seat, she had a long bench in which to lay down on. She was the only horse cybrid in our class, but they were normally placed in the back. Really, she was the only person I knew in here besides Sasuke.

Sasuke slithered into the class, lowering himself into his desk to organize the work we would be assigned today, then pulling out a large novel, at least 500 pages thick, to read.

As the bell rang signaling homeroom, the rest of the students filtered into the class and filled in their seats. Sasuke got up from his seat to stand at the front of the class, waiting for the classroom to settle down a bit before beginning the lesson.

The class quieted, and Sasuke asked about the homework done over the weekend. Yes, magically I found time to do it. I'm magical, go away.

"Who finished the homework over the weekend." As Sasuke asked, he seemed bored with asking. Seems like this class barely ever did any homework. I clicked open my school bag, almost the entire class snapping their heads towards me, almost daring me, bring the work to the front.

Opening the bag and pulling out the plastic blue folder, I felt the class move their gaze to the folder. I opened the folder, flipping through a few pages before finding the assignment labeled Mr. Uchiha.

I pulled out the 5 pages of typed essay. Feeling the entire class place their eyes upon me again, I slowly stood up from my desk. It was weird, the entire class wasn't what made me freeze up. It was the tantalizing stare of Mr. Uchiha, waiting expectantly for me to hand him my essay. I'm sure he was okay with waiting if it meant he had one good student in his class.

I got up from my seat, the essay in my left hand. I walked up to the front of the class, my heart beating against my chest, threatening to burst. Looking down as I handed Mr. Uchiha my essay, we made eye contact for a second before I looked away and almost ran back to my seat.

He read through it almost surprisingly quickly. Then what he said surprised me.

"Disappointing." I felt my eyes widen at the word, almost burying my head into my arms and screaming. I heard some students start to snicker, their laughs teasing me, pulling me away. Every little laugh I heard stabbed another needle through my heart, and there were so many my heart almost resembled a porcupine.

"It's dissapointing that every single student in this classroom has talent. Every one of you had the ability to do something great. All of you have talents, and are good at doing things. Yet, this is the best essay I have seen all year and it's from someone who just came to this school last week.

Last week we learned simply about Hamlet, for a straight five days. Can anyone even give me a quick summary of the story? Naruto here has given me an actual essay based on two days instead of the five we have been working on this. He gave me an entire 5 page essay based on the question, 'What exactly is Hamlet upset about, and why does it take him so long to do anything?' A simple question, yet no one here could answer it." Mr. Uchiha finished.

Mr. Uchiha slithered over to his desk, grabbing the papers he had been organizing earlier. They were most likely an assignment, but I didn't really care. As they were passed out, the paper I got had an extra paper attached to it, with even more work on it. I guess that's why no one completed their assignments, they got this.

On the back of the first paper, most likely written their so no one saw it, was a small note, written in Mr. Uchiha's beautiful handwriting. The text read;

I had fun on the weekend. Haven't had that much fun in a long time. The second page is here, as you might have figured out, to cover up this note. You don't have to complete it, but you may if you wish.


Sasuke Uchiha

Smiling at the note, I made sure to quickly look at the other page. The bell rang, signaling the next class. I smiled to Mr. Uchiha before leaving. I watched him in the corner of my eye nod before I exited the class.

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