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When I got back to the halls, it was difficult to get mum and dad to leave. They insisted that they stay in the hotel another night, but I told them that I would be fine. If I had any worries, I promised I would phone them. Besides, what would they do here? I had Uni the next day, so they would only be going home in the morning anyway. They would have to leave at some point.

"Millie!" Jake exclaimed, as I slowly walked through the door to the flat. It still hurt to walk at a normal pace, so I just took my time. The nurse had told me I was lucky to be alive, let alone walking- the knife had been millimetres from severing my spinal chord, and aside from that, I was minutes away from completely bleeding out.

I smiled. "Hey, Jake."

With that, Andy and Tom came out of their rooms. "Holy shit." Tom said. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little stiff."

"Jesus, Millie." Jake said. "We thought you were gonna die. Like, the paramedics were in such a rush, they didn't have time to tell us anything."

"Did you even know the guy who stabbed you?" Tom asked.

"No." I said. "Although, for some reason he thought he knew me. I think he was mentally ill."

"So strange." Andy said. "Imagine if we didn't go out that night? Like, would he have just stabbed some other girl who happened to be passing by?"

"There were loads of other girls standing around when we first got out the Uber." I said. "I saw them all staring. You can't tell me he didn't notice them."

"So you think it was deliberate?" Jake asked, concerned.

I shrugged. "I have no idea. But you never know, if he was known around the area then he could have seen me walking to and from uni."

"Yeah, that's true." Tom said. "Could have been a stalker."

I sighed. "Yeah, maybe. I think I'm just gonna go chill in my room." I walked into my room, and the first thing I did was take a look at myself in the mirror. I had to say, I'd looked better. You could see I was tired- I was pale, and had bags forming under my blue eyes. My dark blonde hair wasn't looking as healthy as it usually did, and it didn't help that I had a rather large gash on the right side of my forehead, where I'd hit the concrete floor as I fell. Other than that, I looked great. I wondered what people would say when I got back to uni. Hopefully they wouldn't mention it, although I had my suspicions that that wasn't really a possibility.

I went and sat at my desk, loaded up my laptop, and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

"You know you're all over the news." Jake said, as he walked into my room and plonked himself down on my bed.

"Really?" I wondered out loud. I then proceeded to type Greenwich news into Google, and clicked on the first article that came up.

Student Stabbed by Homeless Fanatic, one of them read. I clicked on it, and a picture of the scene outside was there, with the police cars and the ambulance. I was glad there were no pictures of me, as the story began to describe a fairly detailed but probably exaggerated version of what happened:

A student currently studying at the University of Greenwich was stabbed on the night of February 27th by a mentally ill homeless man outside her student halls, nearly killing her. She, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is said to remain in a stable condition, however the attacker's motives have yet to be uncovered. Witnesses from the scene describe how the man managed to tackle down six police officers in his attempt to reach the girl, running after her down the street before plunging the knife into her back. The man then proceeded to turn the knife on himself- he died on the scene as the student was rushed to hospital.

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