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I couldn't sleep.

As I lay awake in bed, I couldn't help but think about Sanita and Emily. Emily was out there, alone with Haydn. Haydn was scheming. And here I was, being totally useless. I should be out there, looking for Emily, but truth be told, I was terrified. Sometimes I'd wonder to myself whether it would all blow over soon. I'd wonder whether, if I just ignored things, then they would go away. But I was too caught up in this whole situation, burning in Haydn's flame and tangled in the vines of fate. Destiny. Whatever you want to call it. I knew this was what I was meant to be doing, but that didn't mean to say that I particularly wanted to be doing it.


I shot up in bed at the sound of my name. I peered around the darkened room, looking to see if someone was there, but there was no one. Perhaps I'd drifted off to sleep for a moment-


There it was again. I was definitely awake, and was now pretty sure that the voice was in my head. I knew then exactly who it was.


I have Emily. He said, his voice eerily echoey in my mind. I will let her go if you come for her.

I swung my legs over the bed.

Alone. Haydn seemed to add as an after thought, and then I felt his presence disappear from my head. He had Emily? I couldn't just let Haydn have her. If he wanted me alone, then that's what I would have to do. There was a good chance he was lying, but it was a risk I was willing to take.

I quickly pulled on some jeans and a hoodie, slipped my trainers on, and left.

It was early morning- the sun hadn't quite risen yet, but the sky was just beginning to lighten. I could still see the crescent moon hanging in the sky.

Where did I even need to go? I realised then that I didn't know where Haydn wanted to meet.

Then, as if he was reading my concerns, a small ball of flame appeared in front of me, hovering. It wasn't like my fire- it was too angry. It had to be Haydn. I followed the little whisp of flame, until it led me outside Greenwich park. The gates were closed, but I'd snuck in enough times to have that hold me back. I took a sneaky look around, my heart pounding, and then when I saw that nobody was here to bare witness, I used the darkness to phase through the metal of the gate. I couldn't help but notice then how much more of an effort it took to reach the darkness, and I put it down to the fact that nearly all the elements had manifested in me. The darkness was bound to get weaker with each one.

I continued to follow the flame, until it suddenly went out. I was in the middle of a clearing of trees, alone until I heard a twig snap behind me. I whipped my head round, to see Haydn standing there, leaning on a tree with his arms folded. He still had that wicked smirk on his face, and stood so calmly that it was beginning to annoy me.

"Where's Emily?" I asked, although I knew in that moment that I'd been tricked. He wasn't going to hand Emily over. She wasn't even here. Why did I even think that she would be here?

"Oh, she's safe." Haydn said, standing up straight. He began to take slow steps towards me, as my heart rate started to pick up.

"What do you want?" I asked, planting my feet in a way so that I was ready to run if need be. I had yet to decide which way, though.

"Well, I thought I'd come to inform you that my plan has every chance of succeeding, no matter what or how you do things. It is inevitable that I get what I want."

"I wouldn't be so sure." My voice was only a little shaky.

He smirked. "Do you really think that once your little prophecy comes true, that'll be it? You think that once all seven elements are manifested in you, the darkness will just flutter off into the sunset? That it'll be gone forever?"

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