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I decided to return to the flat instead of going to my tutorial- I knew I should have probably gone, and that Kate would be mad, but I felt drained. Mentally and physically.

"Hey, Millie." I heard Jake say when I walked past his open door.

"Hey, Jake." I said. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah." Jake said, although seemed a little uncertain. "Come look at this."

I walked into his room and looked at his computer screen, realising he must have been watching the video he captured of me yesterday when I caught the card.

"I was just editing this, to slow it down like Tom suggested." Jake began. "And I saw something really strange."

With that, he played the clip. It was going fairly slowly, so much so you could see the playing card slicing it's way through the air towards my face. Then, my hand came up and caught it just before it hit me.

Jake looked at me. "Did you not see that?" He asked.

"See what?" I obviously hadn't been paying much attention.

Jake rewinded the clip, and pointed at my face. "Look at your eye."

I watched the clip again, and then I realised what he'd managed to film. Just as my hand was coming up, my eye- the silver one- was glowing. In real time, it probably did it for about a second. But where Jake had slowed the clip down, you could quite clearly see that my eye was glowing.


"Must just be the lighting or something." I said.

"You see, that's what I thought at first." Jake said. "But then I was thinking about where the light could have come from to cause that effect. There is absolutely no way your bedroom light could have done that, or the camera."

I mean, Jake knew exactly what he was talking about. He was a good photographer. But what was I supposed to say to that?

"So, what are you saying?" I asked.

Jake shrugged. "Well, I don't know. I was hoping you'd have an idea."

"No idea." I said.

I obviously wasn't that convincing, because Jake narrowed his eyes at me. "How long have you had heterochromia?"

"My whole life." I said, and paused. "Obviously."

"And you're sure about that?"

"Jake, what are you getting at here?" I asked, wanting to end this conversation right away.

Jake shrugged again. "I don't know."

With that, I left his room and took a shower. I knew that Jake knew something, but there was nothing he could possibly know for sure. Unless he was an Argent, but I had high doubts. He just knew something was strange. That something wasn't quite right. Not that I would care if Jake knew. I mean, I trusted him. It just wasn't a great time right now, and I knew there was too much to explain and too much going on for me to answer the questions he might have. Hell, I didn't even know half the stuff that was going on right now, let alone explain it to someone else!

I decided not to think about it too much. If Jake wanted to ask me more about it, then he could, but I had my doubts as to whether he had anything else to ask. Or at least, he wouldn't have anything sane to ask.


I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and breakfast, and sat down with my bowl of cereal whilst scrolling through my phone. However, I stopped when I felt something light hit the side of my head and splash into my breakfast. A playing card seemed to have landed in my bowl, and I looked up to see Jake standing in the kitchen doorway.

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