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When I got back, I was surprised to see an object on my bed, which seemed to be wrapped in a black cloth. I stared at it for a moment, wondering what it was- I couldn't remember leaving anything there. I didn't even think I owned any black cloth.

Still, I went over to it and picked it up. It felt heavy in my hand, so wondering how this could have got here, I unwrapped it.

I gasped- wrapped in the cloth was the knife. The knife. My heart rate began to pick up speed- how did this get here? Not only that, but last time I saw this it was in police hands. They wouldn't just let it go until they figured out what happened.

Despite the sudden feeling of dread that had crept up on me, I wrapped my hand around the hilt, and held it. It felt very comfortable in my grip, as if it were made for me. I mean, perhaps it was. Who knew. The metal was a dark grey, almost black, and it had strange, intricate engravings up the hilt and along the sharp edge. The blade curved a little into a deadly point as I traced my finger over the razor edge, not expecting it to be that sharp. But, literally as soon as my finger made contact with it, it made a small but sharp incision. A bead of blood formed and dripped onto the blade, and that was when I nearly dropped it. All of a sudden, the engravings lit up a pale blue colour so that the knife looked as if it were glowing. I stared, completely mesmerised by it- despite its deadly look, it was also very beautiful. The little symbols were glowing, but that wasn't what caught my attention- from underneath my grip, there were little veins of something making their way up the hilt. I took a closer look- was that... ice?

Then I did drop the knife, and just stared at it on the floor as the blue light disappeared and the ice seemed to melt.

I then peered at the palms of my hands. They didn't look any different- still pale and bony. Still chapped around the nails. But they were cold. Not necessarily a bad cold, though, if that was really a thing.

Hesitantly, I bent down and picked the knife up again. It started to glow again, but instead of me thinking about the glowing, I felt the power it was giving off. I knew then that wherever this knife came from, it belonged to me. I also knew that this knife was supposed to be in police evidence. Should I take it back?

You'd think I'd want to, what with it being the knife that hospitalized me. But I didn't. For now, I wrapped it back in the cloth and shoved it in my underwear draw, underneath my vast collection of bras and knickers so you couldn't see it.

I took another glance at my hands again, but they still looked pretty normal to me. I decided then to take a breather on the balcony- it was always nice out there, being both quiet and high up. I always liked being high up, looking down on the rest of the world.

I gripped my hands on the metal bar that ran round the small box of a balcony, liking the feel of the coolness of it, and took a deep breath. The brisk breeze blew my hair out of my face, as I stood wondering what was actually happening to me. Was I just going completely mad? Maybe I'd hit my head a little harder than I originally thought. Why did everything have to be so messed up?

I looked down at where my hands were holding the metal bar, and took a step back. There was a coating of ice that seemed to have accumulated right where they were. But how was that possible? I was certain that it wasn't there before. Not quite sure what I was doing, or what to expect, I walked back towards it and held my hand out. I then gripped the bar in a new spot, and squeezed.

I gasped out loud when tendrils of ice sparked their way over the metal bar from beneath my hand.

"What the..." I began, not sure how to finish that sentence. I also wasn't quite sure what to do next, so turned and briskly walked back to my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed for a moment, not doing anything. Then, I grabbed my bag and walked out, feeling the urge to try and walk it off.

I headed over to the Thames footpath, and began to walk along it. What was going on? I found a bench that overlooked the river, and so went and sat on it, alone. There weren't many people out today- I guess the cold weather put people off.

"You're beginning to learn."

I didn't need to turn to know that the man had returned and had appeared next to me.

"Learn what?" I asked, keeping my eyes on Canary Wharf.

"Have you really forgotten already?" He asked. "Are you not sat here wondering why you're not feeling even a little bit cold?"

I realised then that I hadn't even thought to put a coat on when I left, and I was sat here in a t-shirt, not feeling the cold at all.

I looked at him then, at his mysterious face. His silver eye. "What I'm wondering is why I'm talking to a guy that doesn't exist."

"I do exist." He said.

"Then why did you tell me you didn't?"

"I did no such thing." He said. "You said that. What you need to do now is accept what is happening to you."

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"You need to let the magic in." Was all he said.

I laughed out loud. "You can't expect me to believe that bullshit!"

"You think that what you can do is bullshit?" He asked. "You saw it with your own eyes, yet still you won't believe it."

"Of course I don't!" I could hear my own voice getting a little louder. "Why would I? None of this stuff is supposed to exist!"

"That is what society has led you to believe. But, there is so much more to the world than you know."

I sighed. "You're crazy." I paused. "I'm crazy."

"You're anything but crazy."

"Says the guy who claims magic is real. Yeah. Sure."

"You've seen only a fraction of what you're truly capable of, Millie. You know it's real. You know you're not imagining things."

"Do I?" I asked. "What did I see before? Some ice? I mean, it's winter, for God's sake. Of course there's gonna be ice around."

The guy just looked at me. "Stop being so ignorant about it all and face the facts."

"Which are what, exactly?"

"That you are special. You are chosen."

"Chosen for what?"

"You will see." He said.

I sighed. "See, there you go again with your mysterious bullshit. You can't just tell me, can you?"

"You're not ready yet. Not until you accept."

"Ugh!" I threw my hands in the air and stood up. "How will I ever be ready when I don't know what to be ready for?"

He remained annoyingly calm. "You will, in time."

I had nothing left to say. For a moment, I just stood there, contemplating whether or not to punch him in the face. I mean, maybe my hand would just go straight through him, or he'd just disappear before my fist made contact with his nose.

However, I just walked away, continuing my stroll along the Thames.


I didn't know what to think as I made my way back to the flat. I was being stalked by a strange man who I didn't think really existed, but who now claims he does exist and can vanish into thin air. I'd been stabbed with a strange knife that seemingly appeared out of nowhere to be in my possession, that also lights up when I touch it. Not only that, but I had a feeling that ice could come out of my hands.


It was late by the time I got back- I hadn't realised how long I'd been walking, but now I was beginning to feel the effects of it as my bed came into view.

Ignoring my underwear drawer where I was well aware of what was inside, I collapsed straight onto my bed and fell asleep.


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