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We both just sat on the pavement for a while, recovering from our ordeal. I had blood all down my face, as did Ronan, and lucky for us, it was too late for anyone to be wondering about save for a homeless guy who just trudged past. He didn't even look at us sitting on the floor.

"I'm sorry." I said, breaking the silence between us. "I should have trained tonight."

"I'm sorry, too." Ronan said. "I shouldn't have lied."

I looked at him, at the blood dripping from his nose and the cuts and bruises on the side of his cheek, and smiled. "Your face has seen better days."

He chuckled. "As has yours."

I could feel my nose throbbing, and my cheek felt as if it had been inflated like a balloon. I could also only partially see out of one eye.

"How are you gonna explain that one to your friends?" He laughed, and then frowned. "Speaking of which, from what David told me earlier it sounded as if you were strangled, meaning you should have marks all over your neck."

"Oh yeah." I said, rubbing the area where the man had his fingers tightened round my neck. "Turns out I can use the light to heal."

"Care to demonstrate?" He asked.

I chuckled, and leaned over to Ronan before placing one hand on his arm. I then closed my eyes, and felt for the light. It then began to radiate out from my palm, and into Ronan's skin. I opened my eyes and saw the light travelling through his veins, until it reached his neck and face. Ronan grimaced as it did it's work, and I watched in awe as the purple swelling on his face began to disappear, and the little cuts on his cheek began to knit themselves together. When he'd healed, I let in a little more light just to ease the pain from healing, and then took my hand away. He still had blood all over his face, but everything was healed.

"Jeez, that hurt." He said. "But thanks."

I then did the same to myself, sending the light to my face and feeling the cramping pains as my body healed itself, before finally feeling the calm.

"Wait here." Ronan said, and vanished before I could ask where he was going. Then, a moment later, he reappeared with a bottle of water and some face wipes, and sat back down. He handed them to me. "Can't have you going back looking like that."

I laughed, and took the wipes. "Thanks."

I proceeded to wipe my face, as Ronan spoke.

"So, you fell asleep during the movie?" He said.

I sighed. "Yeah, but it wasn't intentional. I dreamt about that man. With the yellow eyes." I paused. "I don't think it was a dream, though."

Ronan sighed, too. "That man's name is Haydn." He said.

"Haydn?" I asked, and frowned. Wasn't that the man Stella had told me about? The one from the legend? Or maybe he meant a different Haydn.

"Yes." Ronan said. "What happened in your dream?"

"Well, I was still in the cinema, but everyone had gone." I said, momentarily forgetting that this Haydn dude could be real. "Then he was there, and he kept asking me to give him what he wanted. Apparently I stole it from him. Then I blasted him with air and pissed him off, and in return he blasted me with fire and lightning. Then I woke up, and the movie had ended."

Ronan sighed. "That is rather unfortunate that you missed the movie." He joked.

"Cost me ten quid. So he owes me for that."

For a moment, we sat in silence as I finished cleaning up my face.

"So, this Haydn dude." I asked. "Don't suppose he's maybe, like, not real?"

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