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I walked into the darkened room, still dripping wet, and laughed a little when I saw David.

"Are you gonna tell me what just happened?" I asked, taking a seat next to a heater which was still a little warm in the hope that my clothes might dry a little.

David laughed. "Where did you go?"

"Um, I just appeared outside. In the rain."

"I think I only ever saw my father do that once." David said, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Do what?" I stressed.

"You became part of the lightning." He said.

My eyebrows shot up. "Sorry, what? It's just, I thought that you just said that I became part of the lightning."

"I did say that." David chuckled. "It's something you'll be able to do during thunderstorms. My dad always used to call it lightning fusion."

"That sounds... intense." I muttered.

"But it's a very efficient way to travel." David pointed out. "That is, if you don't cause a power surge every time you do it." He looked around the room.

I clenched my teeth. "My bad."

"I'm sure they'll get it back on in a moment." He said.

"Can't you just do it?" I asked. "You did it earlier." I thought back to the lesson when the power went out.

"You forget that I'm not a full Argent." He chuckled. "I was able to return the power back to this building, but you've outed the entire university. I'm not strong enough to do that."

"Oh." I said. "Oops."

"You could probably do it if you had the right training, but the lightning inside you has only just manifested, meaning it'll be pretty crazy at the moment. You could risk blowing everything up if you put too much power through."

I just laughed. "I guess I'll wait till they turn it back on manually."

With that, the lights came back on in the room.

"Horray!" David said, throwing his hands in the air. "I'll just do this last thing and then we can go tidy my office." He said, sitting back down at the computer.


I didn't remember David's office being that trashed, however when I walked in, I was quite shocked. Papers littered the floor, some torn, some screwed up and some still in tact. His desk was broken clean in half, with bits of splintered wood everywhere. The contents of his desk was also all over the floor, including a broken mug, pencils, and a cracked computer screen. Then there was the filing cabinet, which had a huge dent in it.

"Damn." I said, still looking. "How are we supposed to fix this?"

"We?" David questioned. "There is no we. You are going to fix this. I am only here to keep an eye on things." And with that, he went and sat on a chair- one of the only things still in tact. I noticed there was also a plant which had been knocked over, spilling dirt onto the carpet.

"Fair enough." I said.

"You may also consider this a training exercise." David said. "You might need to use some of your abilities to put things back the way they were, like my filing cabinet over there. I will help you along the way."

I sighed. "Okay. I guess I'll start over here." And with that, I began to pick up papers from the floor. After stacking them all in a neat pile, I handed them to David to sort through in case he didn't want any of them. I swept up the broken mug and bits of wood, tipping the rubbish into a black bin bag David had given me.

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