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I felt rather strange when I walked out the lab. Everyone was just talking amongst themselves, but some part of me felt weird. As if something was about to happen. I noticed the clouds were beginning to gather and darken, making the atmosphere feel rather stormy and not helping my strange mood.

"What are you all doing now?" I asked everyone.

"I think we're all just gonna head back home to be honest." Eileen said, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Alright, cool." I said, a little bit relieved that nobody had any plans for later. I was just looking forward to a quiet night in. Also, Ronan was supposed to show at some point later to start my training, whatever that meant. What was he gonna make me do? Run ten laps? "I'll see you all later, then." I said.

"Bye, Millie." Lots of people said in unison as I turned and walked the other way.

My strange feeling wasn't going away, and I began to think that something bad was going to happen. I just had an awful sense of dread.

My hand began to tingle, then all of a sudden it felt very cold. Then very hot. Really hot. Then, it felt heavy. Heavy like lead. It began to ache, and slowly the feeling began to make its way down my body until every time I took a step, it felt as if I were lifting a tonne of bricks.

I could no longer hold myself up as I collapsed onto the floor, only just seeing the shadow of Ronan appear before my mind went black.


~~~ RONAN ~~~

I appeared in Millie's path, knowing she was going to walk this way on her way back to her flat. The plan was to catch her on her way, and lead her somewhere to begin her training. But, then an awful feeling of worry filled me, and I knew it had to be her. I couldn't say what it was, but it was definitely real. In all my years of training, I was always taught to trust my gut.

Then I saw her in the distance- she seemed to have stopped walking, before her entire body just collapsed to the floor.

I shifted myself over to her, the new scene I pictured in my mind's eye exploding around me in a matter of moments. She was on the floor, convulsing in a way I'd never seen before. Humans would probably call it an epileptic fit or something, however this was no ordinary mundane thing. I could sense the power radiating from her.

A man came rushing over with his phone out.

"Is she okay?" He asked. "I'll call an ambulance."

No. This couldn't happen. I clicked in front of the man's face to catch his attention and stop him dialling. His gaze shifted to mine when a small tuft of black smoke rose from my fingertips and seeped into his mouth and nostrils. "You never saw a thing here." I said, my tone of voice changing. Hypnosis was one of the first things I'd mastered, and it was one of my greatest skills. Despite the circumstances, it felt good to use it for once.

The man turned and walked away, completely oblivious to what he'd just seen. I realised then that we couldn't stay here. We were in the middle of a public space. Where could we go? Who would Millie trust?

I knew then. Not sure if I was making a big mistake, I picked Millie's now limp body up in my arms and transported her away from here.

I appeared in the middle of an empty office- it was a big office, which was obviously shared by two people, but luckily there was only one person here.

David stood up so abruptly, his chair flipped backwards. "What in the hell-!?" He called out, and then saw Millie in my arms. Her body continued to change temperature, going from hot to cold, light to heavy. I'd never seen this happen before.

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