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For a while, I just sobbed, the light still pouring from my hands. I could feel it trying to calm me down, to try and make me feel better, but it didn't work this time. This time, things had gone way too far. I was willing to hurt people I actually cared about.

A pair of hands held onto my shoulders, but not with a hard grip this time. No shock of electricity. They were gentle. David sat down next to me, put his arm over my shoulder, and hugged me. I couldn't believe he was doing it, with what just happened, but here he was. Forgiving as always. I let him, though, because right now I didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to move, in case the darkness should burst out again.

The light continued to pour from my hands, though.

"Let it calm you." David said. "Stop rejecting it."

I took a breath then, and finally let it in. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before- like happiness and calm and joy all at once. I still hadn't forgotten what I'd done, but it helped. The light washed over me in warm, soothing waves, and when I finally stopped crying, it started to disappear.

I looked at David, and then around the room. I was shaking my head in disbelief, not quite believing that I'd done this. His desk had fallen over and broken in half down the middle, with papers and splinters of wood everywhere. A filing cabinet had a large dent in it, and everything was just a mess. I heard movement behind the broken desk, and remembered Ronan. I gasped, and immediately ran over to him, worried that he would be hurt.

"Oh my god, Ronan." I said, tears threatening to return. "I'm so sorry." I grabbed his arm and helped him up, and when I saw the gash on his face, I did start to cry again. His cheek was bleeding, and already he had a black eye forming.

For a moment, Ronan looked at me, examining me for any signs that the darkness might still be here. But, then he just sighed. "I'm sorry, too." He said.

"Your face." I said, wanting to make it better but knowing I couldn't.

Ronan reached up and touched his bleeding cheek. "Ah, it's nothing."

"But it is." I said. "I did that."

"Stop, Millie." Ronan said sternly. "This was not you."

"You don't understand, Ronan. It was me."

"No, this is you." He placed his hands on my shoulders. "That darkness is only something that amplifies your deepest and darkest desires. I understand that you wanted to hurt me, but it was the darkness that intensified your anger and made you feel like you actually wanted to hurt me."

"I'm so sorry." I said again.

"It's okay." Ronan said, and hugged me. I hugged him back, although I still felt awful. No matter how Ronan worded it, I knew it was still me who did this.

I turned to David. "Sorry about your office." I said. "I'll help tidy it up."

"Yes, you will." David said, sternly but with humour behind his eyes. "But not today. You can come back tomorrow and do it."

He chuckled then, and seeing him smile despite all this made me smile too.

"Today, we sort this issue out." Ronan said. "We try and understand exactly what is happening to you, and how to go about controlling it. From now on, no more secrets. If something strange happens to you, you tell me. Got it?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I will."


There was a knock at the door then, and all three of us stopped talking and looked at each other. We looked round the room. There was no reasonable explanation as to why the room looked like this.

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