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When I arrived back in Greenwich, my parents stayed for a cup of tea to help me unpack before they left to go back home.

"Hey, Mills." Jake appeared in the doorway of my room, with a headband on- it looked like some sort of go pro camera.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Good weekend home?" He asked, fiddling with a playing card.

"Yeah, it was good, thanks." I said. "How's things been here?"

"Ah, you know. Boring. Uneventful." He paused. "I bought a camera to go on my head." Jake said, pointing up at the front of the headband.

I frowned. "Uh, why?"

Jake shrugged. "Student finance came through, so I splashed out. Pretty cool, if you ask me."

I laughed, as Tom popped his head round the door. "Oh, look who's back." He said.

"Hey, Tom." I said. "You alright?"

"Not too bad, not too bad." Tom said.

Jake then flicked the playing card at me, like they do in the magic shows- I'd noticed he did this quite a lot in the kitchen, as there were always cards everywhere. He'd always hit Tom with them, too. I saw the card come slicing through the air, right towards my face, but before it got there I lifted my hand up and caught it. I caught it perfectly between my thumb and first finger, inches from my face.

Jake was shocked. "Firstly, that wasn't supposed to hit you in the face." He said. "Secondly, holy shit. How did you catch that?"

I laughed. "Dunno. Good reflexes, I guess."

Tom was still stood with his mouth agape. "Wish I caught that on camera." He said. "Imagine that in slow motion?"

"Well." Jake said, his eyebrows going up and down. "Look who was wearing a camera on their head."

Tom looked up. "Is it filming?"

"It is indeed." Jake said.

"Yes! You need to edit that video to slow it down." Tom exclaimed.

"I think I will. I'll show you guys the finished product when I'm done editing." And with that, Jake and Tom returned to their rooms.


When I woke the next morning, I got dressed and ready for uni before making my way over there. It was raining outside, but I didn't really mind it like I used to. It also felt a little stormy, although there wasn't usually thunderstorms this time of year. Perhaps it was from the warmer weekend we just had.

As I was walking, I couldn't help but think about the weekend I'd had. Especially with what happened at Stella's house. I would definitely need to tell Ronan about this soon, or he would most probably find out on his own and then be pissed at me for not telling him. Perhaps later today, I would try and see him. I realised then that Stella never actually taught me how to summon my Black Prometheum, so I would have to ask Ronan to teach me. Maybe I could teach it to myself- I mean, I'd seen Stella do it. I would just need to copy what she did, right?

I sat down in the lecture theatre with Sunny and Kate who were already there.

"Hey, Mills." Kate said. "Good weekend home?"

I smiled. "Yeah, good thanks."

Sunny looked at me. "You know, Shaks still hasn't got over the whole arm wrestle thing. He thinks you cheated somehow, and has managed to persuade the other guys that you did."

"Really?" I laughed, as Eileen and Nina sat down.

"Hey, guys." Eileen said.

"I was just telling Millie about Shaks." Sunny told them.

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