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I walked peacefully along the pavement, enjoying the quietness of the night. The skies were black, with no stars to be seen, but the moon was big and bright. Nobody was about. The streets were empty. The shops were closed. It was just me and the night skies.

I peered down at the ground where my bare feet were stepping- wherever they touched the ground, ice would flare from under them, making strange but satisfying cracking noises as it did so. I looked at my hands- they were the same hands I'd grown up with. Except now, they could do extraordinary things. I closed my hand in a tight fist, and watched the ice coat my skin like a glove. It didn't hurt. It wasn't cold. It was like another layer- I could still move my hand normally.

I stopped walking for a moment. Then, without much thought, I slammed my fist down onto the pavement. The impact created a huge shock-wave that spread far and wide, destroying everything in its path. All the windows smashed. The ground cracked. Car alarms sounded in the distance.

"You see?" The mysterious man had materialised in the middle of the road. "You are capable of more than you know."

I frowned then. The euphoric feeling I'd just had from doing all this seemed to dissipate, leaving me with confusion and fear. I'd just done that. I'd just destroyed a whole street with nothing more than a single punch.

Dangerous. That was the only word I would describe myself as right now.

I turned at the sound of a man. A crazy man. One who was all too familiar to me.

"Stop letting your worries cloud your thoughts!" The mysterious man called, but I was too focused on the mad man coming towards me. I could see the knife in his hand- it was glowing blue.

I couldn't move.

My feet were frozen.

The wild-eyed man stabbed me straight in the back.

I fell to the ground.

Everything went black.


I woke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. I was in my bed, the damp sheets all tangled around me. When I breathed, I could see my breath in front of me. The room was freezing. But I was sweating.

I stood up, and then realised the time.

"Shit." I said out loud, momentarily forgetting the dream. My lecture started in five minutes.

"Shit." I said again, remembering yesterday. Remembering walking out on David and ignoring Kate. Remembering the dream. I sighed rather dramatically, and made my way to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. I nearly jumped back when I looked up in the mirror- one of my eyes... it was silver. Like, silver. Holy shit. I took a closer look, opening my eyes even wider to check it wasn't the angle of the light or something. Nope. Definitely silver.

What was I supposed to do about that? Surely people would notice?

Well aware of the time, I ignored my eye for a second and went to put some clothes on and checked my phone.

Where are you? The message from Kate read.

Shit. I began to type a reply, saying I just woke up, and sent it. I shoved my stuff in my bag, and took another look in the mirror.

Well, that was strange. My eye was no longer silver, but seemed to be back to blue. Although, I did notice how much brighter they looked. The blue seemed to be bluer, if that made sense. When I looked closer, they also had little white specs in them- they kind of looked like little crystals. I realised then exactly what they looked like, but didn't want to admit it to myself.

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