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I was vaguely aware that I was laying in a bed, although the whole scent of the room wasn't my own. Ice's words seemed to echo in my mind, as I slowly began to drift into consciousness.

A deal with the darkness is but surely broken, but with light these words are never unspoken. Get to the light, and your deal will be mended, but reach for the dark, and all will be ended.

It was definitely a clue, like some kind of riddle.

My eyes remained shut as I tried to picture what situation I was in. Then, a familiar voice started to speak quietly.

"I've heard that Haydn was last seen in central London." David said.

"But he didn't do anything?" Stella was here, too.

"Apparently not. Just hypnotised a few people it seemed, like he's just toying around."

"He's waiting." Ronan had come into the room.

"For what?" Stella asked.

"News of Millie." He said. "If he hears that she's dead, I have no doubt that he will commence with his plans. But, if he hears that she's alive, then he will wait for her. He will want to kill her personally."

I heard Stella sigh. "She's so young. She can't be asked to go up against him."

I decided to flick my eyes open then, and realised I was laying on a double bed under a mint green duvet, my head supported by lots of green cushions. The curtains were wide open, letting in lots of natural light into the averagely sized bedroom. At the end of the bed, Stella, Ronan and David were stood, all with worried looks on their faces.

"It will be up to her." Ronan said.

"I'll do it." I said, although it didn't come out as firmly as I would have liked. My throat was dry, and sore. All eyes flicked toward me then, and Stella was immediately by my side. David and Ronan stood at the end of the bed, arms folded at their chests.

"How do you feel, Millie?" Stella asked.

I shrugged a little. "I've been better." I used my arms to lever myself up, and then I felt the pain in my belly. It was sharp and intense, so much so I had to suck in a breath and squeeze my eyes shut. "Okay, that hurt."

"I'm not surprised." Stella said, helping me sit up. "Do you remember what happened?"

How could I forget? "Unfortunately, yes."

I then lifted my top to reveal a patch of cloth tied around my torso, but blood was now beginning to leak through where I'd disturbed it.

"You gave us all a fright." David chuckled nervously.

"Let me get Jacob." Stella said, and before I could ask why, she'd left the room.

"Sorry." I said to David. "Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone here is." Ronan said.

"Who is here, exactly?"

David sighed. "We couldn't find Sanita anywhere. I think she might have gone after her sister."

Dread began to fill me. "Shit." I muttered, before Stella walked in with Jacob in tow.

"Oh, hi Jacob." I said, smiling. He looked worried, but then when he saw me, his features seemed to lift.

"You're awake!" He exclaimed. Jacob always had this energy about him, like a constant buzz. The others in the room all smiled at him.

"Yeah, just about." I laughed.

"Jacob is going to heal you." Stella said. "He tried to do it before, but for some reason your body was responding as if you were... dead."

My eyes widened for a moment.

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