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We got back late from bowling- I ended up beating Ryan by about twenty points, as I'd managed to score another two strikes and keep the rest of my scores pretty consistent. I also knew that James wasn't dropping the whole arm wrestle with Shaks, but Shaks seemed to be taking it pretty well. If he was annoyed, he wasn't showing it.

We arrived outside my halls.

"I'll see you guys later." I said, and waved everyone goodbye as I made my way back up to my room. It was as I was walking up the stairs when I began to feel hot. Again, it wasn't the sweaty kind of hot- it was the same hot that I felt in the lecture this morning. As if pure fire was making its way through my body.

I kept my fists clenched, not sure what would happen if I opened them, as I rushed into the flat and locked myself in my room in case the others were still around.

Slowly, I opened my closed fist. I gasped- I could see my veins alight underneath my skin, causing my hands to glow orange. I looked up in my mirror, and my right eye was the same. Instead of its usual blue, it was bright orange. I could see the air surrounding my hands rippling from the heat. Not really sure what else to do, I ran my hands under the cold tap and watched the steam accumulate in my bathroom, until the room felt more like a sauna.

How was I supposed to control this?

I stepped out the bathroom, my hands still glowing. I started to panic a little, knowing full well that if I touched anything right now, there was a chance that it would melt.

As I panicked and kept my hands outstretched, away from anything and everything, I wondered how this was going to stop.

Then, I had an idea.

I stopped for a moment, and thought about the ice. I remembered the feeling it gave me as it coursed through my hands, before I felt the prickly coolness and freshness making its way out of my hands and over my skin. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I kept my thoughts calm and cold. There would be no fires tonight. At least, not in this room.

Eventually, I began to feel the heat subside. It was replaced by the familiar coldness of the ice, and I was relieved that when I opened my eyes, my hands were no longer glowing orange. After a small puff of steam, they were pretty much back to normal save for the small crystals of ice on them.

"Phew." I sighed, and took a look at myself in the mirror again. I was glad to see my eye was back to blue.

I had a quick shower to try and wash away the events of today, before getting into bed and going to sleep.


When I woke, I was still surprised that I'd had no nightmares and didn't wake in a cold, sweaty panic. Although, I did have a strange dream that I was talking to Ronan, and then David came and casually joined in the conversation we were having. I can't remember what we were talking about exactly, but it was definitely to do with Argent Eyes.

It was fairly late in the morning, but then again, it was the weekend and my body was still catching up on sleep. I took my time as I got dressed, and decided to cook myself some scrambled eggs and bacon for brunch.

My phone dinged in my pocket.

In the lab if you wanna join- thought we'd get started on the coursework.

The message was from Kate, and by we, I assumed she meant our new group of friends. Well, I was surprised- Kate always came across as the kind of girl who left everything to the last minute. Perhaps this new group of friends weren't just better at socialising, but working as well.

Sure, will be there soon. I responded, scoffing my scrambled eggs and not wanting to get to the lab when everyone else was miles ahead.

It was a nice day to walk- the sun was out, and although there was still a winter chill in the air, it wasn't too cold. The scent of freshly cut grass filled my nose as I walked to the computer labs, a smell that I'd always loved. I passed several students, faces either glued to their phones, or looking up, enjoying the scenery just as much as I was. I could even hear the distant lapping of the tide from the Thames, although the sound began to fade as I got closer to the lab building.

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