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It was nine twenty five, giving me five minutes to make my way to the gates of Greenwich Park. I mean, I was nervous- if Ronan and I were to get caught, and didn't have strange powers, we would surely be arrested. However, I was confident that Ronan wouldn't leave me behind in there if we had to make a quick getaway.

I was just walking down the stairs and through reception when I bumped into Jake, who was just going in the opposite direction- I assumed back to the flat.

"Hey, Jake." I said.

"Hey Mills." He said, and then narrowed his eyes. "Where you off to this time of night?"

"Oh, just out with some friends."

"Anywhere special?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Nah. Just to a bar or something."

Jake looked at his watch and then frowned again. "Okay, well I'll see you later."

"See you." I said, knowing full well that Jake seemed to notice whenever I was lying nowadays. Either that, or he was just genuinely suspicious of what I was up to. I mean, what did he think I would be doing? He couldn't possibly think that I was actually breaking into Greenwich Park. 


I brushed off the feeling that Jake would be pissed off, and continued walking. I noticed Ronan standing outside the closed gates, waiting, and walked over to him. The evening was a little chilly, but otherwise clear. Not that I really felt the cold, anyway.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, although I had a pretty good idea.

"Well, you need to train." Ronan said. "And this seemed like a fitting place, at a fitting time. There's nobody here."

I raised my eyebrows. "That's because it's closed. You know, that means we can't go inside."

Ronan grinned. "Who says we can't go inside?" And with that, he vanished and reappeared on the other side of the gate.

"I mean that's very good, but how do I get in?" I said, going up to the bars.

"Tell me." Ronan began. "What did your deal with the darkness entail?"

"Not a lot." I said. "Part of the deal was that it couldn't come out unless I wanted it to."

"So." Ronan stressed. "Maybe now would be a good time to use it."

I stared at Ronan for a moment. "Are you kidding?" I snapped. "Do you not remember what happened last time I let the darkness out?"

"Ah, see that's where you're gonna do things different this time." Ronan said, holding a finger up. "That was totally uncontrolled. But now, I believe that you can use the darkness as if it were one of your elements. It is on your side, Millie. As is the light."

At the thought of the darkness, I began to feel it tingling at the tips of my fingers. Ronan was right- things were different now. Besides, a deal is a deal. I couldn't imagine the darkness being one to break deals, especially when it benefited itself.

I took a shallow breath, and peered at my hands. I felt the darkness accumulate there, and watched as dark pools of smoke started to surround my hands and arms, and even seeped out of my coat and sleeves. It was different. No longer did I feel controlled by it, but I was now the one doing the controlling. It wasn't possessive, but instead we were working side by side.

I giggled a little, and approached the metal bars of the park. Bending them was out the question, even though I knew I could do it. I wasn't a vandal. Instead, I gripped the bars in my hand before pushing. I felt my hands go through the metal, and then stepped the rest of my body forward. It felt as if I were walking through smoke, before I found myself standing on the other side of the gate. The dark smoke diffused into the air and disappeared, and the metal gate still looked in tact.

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