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I went to bed early that night, despite not having to go into uni the next day. Being an Argent only seemed to exhaust me at the moment, either from excitement or dread.

When I opened my eyes, I knew I was still asleep. I knew that wherever I was right now, it wasn't real. Everything was so familiar, yet at the same time, it was different. I sat up on my bed and peered out the window, and gasped. Most of the building had been destroyed, and had thick, black smoke rising from within the rubble. Except my bedroom- for some reason, that was still in tact. It was also very dark outside, and when I looked at my clock, it was blank. I picked up my watch, but the hands on it were gone. Wherever I was, there was no sense of time. Perhaps time didn't exist here.

I slipped on my shoes and made my way down the stairs which seemed to still be in tact, before walking outside. My feet seemed to take me back to where I was stabbed with the Black Prometheum, and for a moment I wondered why. But then, when I looked up, I saw a dark mass of something floating there. It was big, about the size of a small car, perhaps. As I got closer, I realised what it was.


I stood there for a moment, staring at it. It didn't really scare me too much, although it put me on edge. The dark tendrils of it snaked in all directions, like smoke, but it remained in this one spot.

Child... it hissed, in a deep voice inside my head.

I frowned. "You talk?"

No... I am the darkness within you, it said. I do not speak. It is you who reads me.

"Oh." I said, taking another look around. Everything was the same, but broken. Cars had crashed in the middle of the road, and the cracks in the concrete threatened to swallow them. There was no sign of life. No sounds save for the darkness in front of me.

You came here for a reason, the darkness said.

"I did?"

Yes. I brought you here, because I am trapped inside you.

"Why?" I asked. "Why are you inside me?"

Somebody put me there.

"And you let them?"

Yes... we struck a deal. However, it seems that deal did not go as planned. Now I am trapped in a useless body.

"Um, excuse me, but I am not useless." I said. "In fact, you're the one trapped inside me because you struck a deal. If anyone is useless, it's you."

How dare you?! The darkness bellowed. I took a step back, but then I realised that he couldn't hurt me. Not here, anyway.

"How dare I? You are the one who has taken control of me. So stop all this authority shit, because we need to talk."

There was a moment of silence.

Fine. It said.

"Tell me what this deal entailed." I said.

I do not take orders from a child, the darkness said.

"Well, first of all, I am not a child. I'm nineteen years old. Second, you're not exactly in a position to ignore me. You're inside me, not the other way around."

Once again, there was a moment of silence. I was promised recognition, and then after that, I would be able to do as I pleased.

"Recognition?" I questioned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

It means I will be used, for once. I would have inhibited a body so that I might walk this earth. I have spent an eternity lurking in the shadows, and so when I was made an offer, I took it.

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