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When I opened my eyes, everything was really white and bright. I couldn't see a thing, and for a moment I panicked that I was still in that white space.

"Hey, Millie." I heard Ronan say, as a pair of hands held my back, preventing me from falling backwards. I kept blinking, and finally the whiteness began to subside. "You alright?" He asked.

"I'm half blind." I said, and then realised David was also in the room. "What happened?" I asked, seeing that for some reason we were in David's office, I'd been asleep on a table, and Ronan had been here with David. And he'd been visible.

"You passed out." Ronan said. "Well, sort of."

"You could say that." I chuckled, remembering my dream. Although, I knew it wasn't really a dream. More of a vision that I'd been part of.

Ronan looked at me, as did David. How much did David know? "Perhaps you know more about what happened than we do." He said.

I looked between David and Ronan, not sure how much I was allowed to say.

"He knows." Ronan said, relieving me of my uncertainty.

"Oh." I said.

"Look, Millie." Ronan said. "I've never seen anything like what just happened to you, so I brought you to David. I knew you trusted him, and I guess I panicked. But, as it turns out, he knew anyway."

"Knew anyway?" I wondered. "So...?"

"I knew probably before you did." David said, and even Ronan turned at that.

"How could you possibly know that?" Ronan asked.

David sighed, and then one of his eyes flashed silver for a moment.

I gasped. "You're an Argent?"

"No." David said.

"He's an Heir." Ronan said in realisation.

"A what ?" I asked.

"If an Argent has a child , sometimes, on rare occasions, their child inherits some of their abilities. The child is called an Heir. I guess David knew you would become an Argent even before you were stabbed." He paused. "Although, usually an Heir becomes a religious figure, like a vicar or something."

"Why?" I asked.

Ronan shrugged. "You'll find that any holy sanctuary will heighten your powers. I guess an Heir is drawn there to protect them. Not to mention their open mindedness usually leads them onto a religious path."

"Holy shit." I said, absolutely speechless that I didn't already know this. "Is he serious?" I looked at David.

David nodded. "Yes." He said. "My father was an Argent. When he discovered that I was an Heir, he trained me as best he could. My abilities were like nothing compared to his, but they still needed taming."

"Who was your father?" Ronan asked.

"Franklin Gretta." David said.

Ronan's eyes widened.

"You knew him?" I asked.

"Heard of him." Ronan said. "Never has the pleasure to meet him. A very brave and respected man amongst the Argents."

"What did he do?" I asked, curious.

Ronan looked at David, to let him explain. "My father was on mission with a couple of other Argents, and they came across a very powerful man gone rogue. My father sacrificed himself to save his team."

I didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." David said. "He knew what he was doing. He died to save his friends, and his family. An Argent would not want to die any other way."

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